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Greenhouse Conundrum!


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  • Greenhouse Conundrum!

    Hi everyone.
    Need some advice, I've got a small greenhouse at the moment but can't get enough in it so I'm looking to expand. The wife thinks I'm crazy so its got to be on the Cheap or I'll be in trouble (Again)! I've seen A Standard Professional 12 by Norfolk Greenhouses Ltd for only �130.00. This is made with PVC sheeting and sealed with tape not glass as usual. Has anybody used one of these or heard anything about them, good or bad. Any advice will be gatefully recieved.

    Thanks in advance. Trick

  • #2
    Hi Trick and welcome to the Vine! You are in the right place for answers to any questions you may have. I cant answer your question about the greenhouse, but have you tried ebay? although I waited a while I managed to get a 6' x 8' glass greenhouse for �20. OK my OH had to dismantle and rebuild, but well worth it. I'm sure there will be other grapes who can answer your question. Looking forward to reading your posts on how you get on! Bernie
    Bernie aka DDL

    Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


    • #3
      Hi Trick, and a warm welcome to the madhouse oft refferred to by the nmates (grapes) as the 'vine! I hope you enjoy it here as much as the rest of us do!

      If pennies are tight, then rather than buying new, try Freecycle and Friday Adz, we've had 2 aluminium and glass greenhouses, 1x 10' by 8' and 1x 8' by 6', both for free! Ok, so we had to dismantle, remove and re-errect them, providing a bit of glass and some fixings, but I bet both of ours cost us less than �100 for the two!
      Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

      'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

      The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
      Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
      Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
      On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


      • #4
        Originally posted by Trick View Post
        Hi everyone.
        Need some advice, I've got a small greenhouse at the moment but can't get enough in it so I'm looking to expand. The wife thinks I'm crazy so its got to be on the Cheap or I'll be in trouble (Again)! I've seen A Standard Professional 12 by Norfolk Greenhouses Ltd for only �130.00. This is made with PVC sheeting and sealed with tape not glass as usual. Has anybody used one of these or heard anything about them, good or bad. Any advice will be gatefully recieved.

        Thanks in advance. Trick
        Hi Trick, I bought a Norfolk Greenhouse. Yes they are cheap, but I think the main reason is they are an absolute nightmare to put together. Thank goodness I went for a standard rectangular one instead of the octagonal fancy one that I really liked the look of. The polycarbonate instead of glass is a good idea, and I would have gone for that option anyway as the little darlings round here think lobbing bricks at glass is good entertainment, but it's very flexible and the green plastic thingys they are slotted into don't really hold them firmly enough. The whole structure is very light and really needs bolting down. I've had several repair sessions since my daughter and I put mine together - so far it's holding together. It's a very good price, but unless you are good at jigsaws and have a sheltered site I would say if you can afford it go for something more solid.


        • #5
          Just realised you said sheeting, Trick. That is more or less equivalent to a polytunnel, and sheeting doesn't last well. The greenhouse I bought has at least got polycarbonate (solid) panels. Round here plastic sheeting gets ripped apart by the wind, and deteriorates really quickly with sunlight etc.


          • #6
            Hello Trick and welcome to the Vine. There was a previous discussion about Norfolk greenhouses and I've put a link on for you. I hope you find what you're looking for.
            Norfolk Greenhouses

            From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


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