For the last three years I've grown my toms and suchlike in raised beds in the greenhouse. Each year i've double dug the beds and beefed the soil up with old potting compost and manure.
This year rather than suffer diminished returns and because I don't want to replace the bedsoil completely I'm fancying trying something new.
I intend purchasing cheap growbags to lie on the bedsoil with holes in the bottom allowing any roots if they so wish to find there way into the existing soil.
In effect i will be using a ring culture system on soil. I can still use canes punctured through the bags to give support. Only worry is slugs and snalils which will hide under the bags!
Nothing ventured nothing gained.
This year rather than suffer diminished returns and because I don't want to replace the bedsoil completely I'm fancying trying something new.
I intend purchasing cheap growbags to lie on the bedsoil with holes in the bottom allowing any roots if they so wish to find there way into the existing soil.
In effect i will be using a ring culture system on soil. I can still use canes punctured through the bags to give support. Only worry is slugs and snalils which will hide under the bags!
Nothing ventured nothing gained.
