I've never had a greenhouse so I have a couple of questions.
What's a good, usable starter size to get? I'm sure some will say the bigger the better but what would be the minimum size that would still be big enough to get good use from?
What are some pros and cons of glass and plastic?
It can get fairly windy here so I'm concerned about anchoring.
I have a concrete patio attached to the back of the house with a basement door and outside electrical outlets. The patio is on the south side of the house. Would this be a good location?
Should I do without a greenhouse and just use cold frames instead? I can start seedlings indoors.
What's a good, usable starter size to get? I'm sure some will say the bigger the better but what would be the minimum size that would still be big enough to get good use from?
What are some pros and cons of glass and plastic?
It can get fairly windy here so I'm concerned about anchoring.
I have a concrete patio attached to the back of the house with a basement door and outside electrical outlets. The patio is on the south side of the house. Would this be a good location?
Should I do without a greenhouse and just use cold frames instead? I can start seedlings indoors.