So I picked up a used greenhouse via free cycle yesterday it's a pretty standard 8x6 with one opening roof vent.
I about to order new glass clips and hangers and some replacement glass ready for putting it up.
I am planning to build a small dwarf wall 3 or 4 courses high to raise the height as I am 6.4 tall and would like the extra headroom. I was wondering if this is OK or should be avoided.
It's pretty mucky so was just going to wash it all with warm soapy water then scrub it with a solution of ***** to kill any nastys before putting it all back together. Is this the best option or should I use something else.
Lastly I can't decide wetter to put a slab floor in or just a path.
Any advice/tips appreciated
I about to order new glass clips and hangers and some replacement glass ready for putting it up.
I am planning to build a small dwarf wall 3 or 4 courses high to raise the height as I am 6.4 tall and would like the extra headroom. I was wondering if this is OK or should be avoided.
It's pretty mucky so was just going to wash it all with warm soapy water then scrub it with a solution of ***** to kill any nastys before putting it all back together. Is this the best option or should I use something else.
Lastly I can't decide wetter to put a slab floor in or just a path.
Any advice/tips appreciated