Well I was looking at getting a pretty basic poly tunnel kit off Amazon for about the �120 mark which could get a surprising decent size of 3 meters x 6 meters, pretty much an initial size wanted. But despite the decent reviews for the best part something about the long-term quality of the poles (all aluminium) at just 25mm and more importantly durability of the poly cover for the price. Though the cover quality being the biggest concern of such things.
So I've gone to researching the viability of building my own from scratch and surprised to find extra time aside a far better quality result can be achieved by doing just that, making it yourself for a comparable price as cheap amazon\ebay kits.
Where I am at the moment is to decide more on making it a probable ongoing project for the year to ready it for next year than this, but a bonus if I can get from here to completion by early summer to use it this year. Likely size will be 3 meters wide by 6 meters long, at about 2 meters height but placed in such a part of the allotment that it can be made longer in the future if required.
My original idea as I wanted it more for my chilli plants grown in pots as anything was to use a completely solid base of broken paving slabs (loads on site) as access to ground soil was not really needed. But seeing as it would likely have ment aluminium\scaffold poles sunk into the ground with the blue mdpe piping looped from side to side, then a fully solid base might not be the best option, but what I want if possible. Then I thought solid base as per original thought and build a required size ground frame with scaffold planks or similar and simply loop and bolt the mdpe tubing at ground level to the scaffolding planks frame work. At least that would possibly give me some easy ground level way to secure the poly covering to the framework?. But still in the ideas\thinking stage as far as that thought goes yet.
Other than that, trying to work out the best size mdpe pipe size and spacing between each section. As I'm guessing section spacing is fairly relative to pipe size and overall tunnel length?. Most "professional" reviews and guides suggest using 50mm, but this seems a little big and that more like 32 mm with less spacing between sections for the loops could be just as good?.
So, anyone on here actually built a poly tunnel from scratch to offer any advice?.
So I've gone to researching the viability of building my own from scratch and surprised to find extra time aside a far better quality result can be achieved by doing just that, making it yourself for a comparable price as cheap amazon\ebay kits.
Where I am at the moment is to decide more on making it a probable ongoing project for the year to ready it for next year than this, but a bonus if I can get from here to completion by early summer to use it this year. Likely size will be 3 meters wide by 6 meters long, at about 2 meters height but placed in such a part of the allotment that it can be made longer in the future if required.
My original idea as I wanted it more for my chilli plants grown in pots as anything was to use a completely solid base of broken paving slabs (loads on site) as access to ground soil was not really needed. But seeing as it would likely have ment aluminium\scaffold poles sunk into the ground with the blue mdpe piping looped from side to side, then a fully solid base might not be the best option, but what I want if possible. Then I thought solid base as per original thought and build a required size ground frame with scaffold planks or similar and simply loop and bolt the mdpe tubing at ground level to the scaffolding planks frame work. At least that would possibly give me some easy ground level way to secure the poly covering to the framework?. But still in the ideas\thinking stage as far as that thought goes yet.
Other than that, trying to work out the best size mdpe pipe size and spacing between each section. As I'm guessing section spacing is fairly relative to pipe size and overall tunnel length?. Most "professional" reviews and guides suggest using 50mm, but this seems a little big and that more like 32 mm with less spacing between sections for the loops could be just as good?.
So, anyone on here actually built a poly tunnel from scratch to offer any advice?.