Having spent the afternoon retrieving bits of blow away green house and bagging it up for the skip, I think I finally have had it with them. Binning bits of bent metal every year seems wasteful and the novelty of flying chili plants whenever the wind picks up has worn off...
So what to get next? I only have a large paved patio, no exposed soil. The idea of spending days assembling a real greenhouse strikes fear in my heart. And I am renting, so if I spend 'real' money, it would have to be on something I can bring with me.
Acknowledging this is a bit of an ask, but does anyone have any suggestions for an easy-ish to assemble/disassemble greenhouse that can somehow be weighed down/fastened without breaking up the patio? It's for the usual suspects, toms, chillies, cues, basil etc...
So what to get next? I only have a large paved patio, no exposed soil. The idea of spending days assembling a real greenhouse strikes fear in my heart. And I am renting, so if I spend 'real' money, it would have to be on something I can bring with me.
Acknowledging this is a bit of an ask, but does anyone have any suggestions for an easy-ish to assemble/disassemble greenhouse that can somehow be weighed down/fastened without breaking up the patio? It's for the usual suspects, toms, chillies, cues, basil etc...