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Cucumber and Toms


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  • Cucumber and Toms

    When should I move these Tomato Plants into the greenhouse? and put them in the growbags. Tom plant in nearly 9" tall now. I think my Cucumber plant is about to sprout flowers

    Getting so excited now being my first year growing anything.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Jane0o0 View Post
    When should I move these Tomato Plants into the greenhouse? and put them in the growbags. Tom plant in nearly 9" tall now. I think my Cucumber plant is about to sprout flowers

    Getting so excited now being my first year growing anything.

    Reading between the lines of your post I'm guessing your plants are in the house currently - looking very good BTW.

    I think the best bet would be to pot them on into containers about 4 times the volume of the current ones and keep them inside for the next week or two. The critical factor is the weather and as this is unpredictable, its certainly possible that putting them in an unheated greenhouse would work out well, but if the weather turns cold and miserable again, then they won't like being in a greenhouse at all.

    Might need some sticks by the way to tie them to temporarily - the toms and the cucs get top heavy and can even snap if they don't have a bit of support.


    • #3
      Originally posted by nickdub View Post
      Reading between the lines of your post I'm guessing your plants are in the house currently - looking very good BTW.

      I think the best bet would be to pot them on into containers about 4 times the volume of the current ones and keep them inside for the next week or two. The critical factor is the weather and as this is unpredictable, its certainly possible that putting them in an unheated greenhouse would work out well, but if the weather turns cold and miserable again, then they won't like being in a greenhouse at all.

      Might need some sticks by the way to tie them to temporarily - the toms and the cucs get top heavy and can even snap if they don't have a bit of support.
      Thanks very much for advice. Yeah there on my windowsill but I put them in greenhouse during day then bring them back in at night. I've only just repotted them into a 6" pot. Is that to small?


      • #4
        If you have only just spotted them on they will be fine for the next couple of weeks.
        I would however stake them up with some canes.They look really healthy.

        And when your back stops aching,
        And your hands begin to harden.
        You will find yourself a partner,
        In the glory of the garden.

        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


        • #5
          I agree with Bramble, if they've just had bigger pots they'll be fine for a while.

          Most sure fire way of telling when plants need bigger pots again is to have a look underneath - when the roots start peeking out of the drainage holes then that means they've reached down and need moving on.


          • #6
            Will def stake them tomorrow. So even though I've just potted up into 6" pots do I have to pot up again? even if I'm going to use grow bags in the greenhouse.

            Can't believe I've managed to keep them alive and healthy lol


            • #7
              potting on again is going to depend on how soon they can go out in the greenhouse, which in turn is dependent in part on the weather. If its warm enough in 2 weeks time, you can definitely get away with just transferring them to containers out there then.

              BTW one thing I usually do if using grow-bags is not to lie them flat when planting up. Pick one up by the middle and fold it in half so the two ends are on the ground and you are holding the center then cut it in half to leave yourself with 2 "sort of pots" . Gives a much better root run for the toms and also is a bit easier to move if you need to do any rearranging. Dont forget to get your bags in the greenhouse a while before planting to get them warmed up, give them a thorough watering and break up the compost with your hands so its nice and loose before planting.


              • #8
                Originally posted by nickdub View Post
                potting on again is going to depend on how soon they can go out in the greenhouse, which in turn is dependent in part on the weather. If its warm enough in 2 weeks time, you can definitely get away with just transferring them to containers out there then.

                BTW one thing I usually do if using grow-bags is not to lie them flat when planting up. Pick one up by the middle and fold it in half so the two ends are on the ground and you are holding the center then cut it in half to leave yourself with 2 "sort of pots" . Gives a much better root run for the toms and also is a bit easier to move if you need to do any rearranging. Dont forget to get your bags in the greenhouse a while before planting to get them warmed up, give them a thorough watering and break up the compost with your hands so its nice and loose before planting.
                Thank you for the advice.


                • #9
                  You're very welcome - I reckon with a little luck you'll get some very good crops this year with those plants :-)


                  • #10
                    Funny you should mention Cuc's. I potted my 3 into flower buckets about 3 days ago & today put them in their permanent place in the greenhouse under drippers, all staked up & ready to go. At present, each plant has about 3 or 4 small cucs. Fleece will be at the ready just in case it turns cold again. 3 Courgettes are also in situ under polythene cloches..............I appear too like the number 3 for some reason.
                    Last edited by Bigmallly; 16-04-2018, 11:31 PM.
                    sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                    Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                    Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                    KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                    • #11
                      They are nice looking plants,if you do get a plant with a bentover limb,i have taped it round and is held good,also if snaped off,or any of its side chutes,place in water for a few days or so,and roots will develop,and you get a new plant,tomato side chutes will do the same,am enviouse now,mine have not long beed born and are slow.
                      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                      • #12
                        sounds good. My cucumbers are in urgent need of potting on, they are still on the kitchen windowsill in the propagator pot... I'd like to get them set up, in position, but I need the toms to be ready first. hummmm

                        I'm going to buy toms this year


                        • #13
                          Your plants look fab. Really healthy. I’m a little bit jealous.


                          • #14
                            To my count I'm going to have 12 tomato plants 1 cucumber 1 pepper 1 aubergine 1 courgette plant so I really hope I've enough room in an 8x6 greenhouse.


                            • #15
                              I'll be using grow bags which fit 3 plants and maybe a couple of small grow bags with support.


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