Thought I would start a new thread as this allotment plot will be may last before I am laid to rest in my ultimate plot.
There is a rather powsh looking newly created Cemeetary just across the road from my allotment site so I won't have to move far.
There are bus stops going in both directions which go within a couple of hundred yards of my retirement cottage so in November 2019 I shall be taking full advantage of my OAP bus pass. Until then I'l just have to walk to the plot or take the car. Another option is my mountain bike when I get it fixed up, but for the time being I will stick with the other means of transport.
Just to refresh your memory and mine this was what my plot was like when I got it in April.

There is a rather powsh looking newly created Cemeetary just across the road from my allotment site so I won't have to move far.
There are bus stops going in both directions which go within a couple of hundred yards of my retirement cottage so in November 2019 I shall be taking full advantage of my OAP bus pass. Until then I'l just have to walk to the plot or take the car. Another option is my mountain bike when I get it fixed up, but for the time being I will stick with the other means of transport.
Just to refresh your memory and mine this was what my plot was like when I got it in April.