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Snadgers Penultimate Plot


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  • Finally found my thread. Search didn't do anything so I have had to troll page after page to get here...phew!

    Lets see, where am I at now.

    I have carrots growing in a raised bed
    I have leeks growing in a raised bed
    I have red torpedo onions growing in a
    raised bed
    I have seed grown Ailsa Craig onions growing in a raised bed
    I have Parsnips growing in a raised bed
    I have strawberries growing in two raised beds (Early fruiting and late varieties)
    I have Garlic and shallots growing in a raised bed
    I have Elephant Garlic, broad beans and Spring cabbage growing in a raised bed
    I have just sown more carrots in another raised bed

    On the left flat area of plot:-
    I have a row of Chrysanthemums
    I have a gooseberry plant
    I have a row of Brussel Sprouts
    I have a row of Spring Cabage (Eating at moment)
    I have a row of Spring Ball cabbage
    I have a row of station sown Calabrese
    I have two rows of red Japanese onions
    I have three rows of normal Japanes onions
    I have two rows of spring planted onion sets
    I have two rows of Broad beans.
    I have a wigwam for climbing French Beans

    On the right flat area of plot:-

    I have a row of red cabbage
    I have four half rows of spring planted onion sets
    I have one full row of Japanese onions
    I have one full row of spring planted onion sets
    I have a row of station planted curly kale.
    I have one row of Charlotte potatoes
    I have 2 rows of Elfe maincrop potatoes
    I have two rows of runner beans with cane supports
    I have four courgette plants

    Along the fenceline:-

    I have two half standard gooseberry plants (red and green)
    I have one half standard whitecurrant
    I have one half standard redcurrant
    I have two blaackcurrant bushes
    I have a row of raspberries

    In the greenhouse

    I have ten tomato plants
    I have two cucumber plants
    I have six Habanero chillies
    I have six mixed chillies
    I have French beans and climbing french beans ready to go out
    I have two cucumbers ready to go out
    I have three butternut Squash ready to go out
    I have module sown turnips soon to go out

    Phew....that's me up to date.

    Last edited by Snadger; 06-06-2020, 02:29 PM.
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper


    • You like your Onions then Snadger………...…..


      • ^It is absolutely impossible - in my view - to grow too many onions.

        Nice list, Snadger.


        • Nice one Snadger. Its amazing how much stuff you have if you try to write it down. I usually end up forgetting half. The list of things I hadn't yet found a home for at the beginning of last week (most now sorted) filled a whole side of A4 paper!
          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


          • Flying visit yesterday revealed the pigeons had feasted on my Brussel Sprouts. Luckily they hadn't nipped out the central growing point so I covered them with a chicken mesh tent which should act as a barrier.
            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

            Diversify & prosper


            • Just wondering Snadge...from your list of onions which seem to store the longest?
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                Just wondering Snadge...from your list of onions which seem to store the longest?
                Definitely Centurion closely followed by Sturon grown from sets. I still have ample in store to last me until I harvest my Japs. Naturally, at this time of year 10% of them are starting to sprout but if need be I could start 'robbing' the Japs.
                This year was the first year I haven't had to buy an onion to cook with and even after changing set supplier, I am hopeful for the present crop, but have a back up plan with seed sown onions.
                My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                Diversify & prosper


                • Oh good!...We have Sturon growing
                  Will try Centurian next year if I can find them over here.
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Finally got the Butternut squash and cucumbers planted out.

                    Hoed and cleared the only remaining bit of ground ready for planting out French Beans which along with CFB arer hardening off at the moment. The wigwam is up for the climbers and I have just put a tray of lettuce out to harden off but I have no Idea where they are going to go yet..
                    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                    Diversify & prosper


                    • Planted out my French beans and my climbing French beans today. Also planted out a dozen lettuce plants.I need to return to the allotment this afternoon with slug pellets as the slugs and snails will have a feast on my newly planted stuff.

                      Hopefully the two fires that were started on plots above and below me will have died down and I will be able to breathe again.
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • I did return later in the afternoon and not content with applying slug pellets I found other stuff to do. I cut down my comfrey for the second time this year and as an experiment put a big pile of unused chitted potatoes into my old compost bed and covered them with comfrey. They will also get grass cuttings for a while until they have about a six inch covering just to see what will happen.I also sowed some mixed climbing beans direct at bottom of canes where I have runner beans.

                        I am running short of space on the plot now and still have to find space for my experimental turnip seedlings started in modules. Must try and find somewhere for a few beetroot also. I can forsee a bit of inter planting if space is an issue.
                        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                        Diversify & prosper


                        • I've just read through all 17 pages of this this evening, Snadger, and it's been relaxing and inspiring at the same time. It's been interesting to read about what you've been doing, what you were planning and how it all turned out. It's really impressive how quickly you managed to turn an overgrown allotment plot into something really productive. Thank you for putting all of the posts online. It's given me some ideas for how to improve my vegetable garden in 2021.


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