Finally found my thread. Search didn't do anything so I have had to troll page after page to get here...phew!
Lets see, where am I at now.
I have carrots growing in a raised bed
I have leeks growing in a raised bed
I have red torpedo onions growing in a
raised bed
I have seed grown Ailsa Craig onions growing in a raised bed
I have Parsnips growing in a raised bed
I have strawberries growing in two raised beds (Early fruiting and late varieties)
I have Garlic and shallots growing in a raised bed
I have Elephant Garlic, broad beans and Spring cabbage growing in a raised bed
I have just sown more carrots in another raised bed
On the left flat area of plot:-
I have a row of Chrysanthemums
I have a gooseberry plant
I have a row of Brussel Sprouts
I have a row of Spring Cabage (Eating at moment)
I have a row of Spring Ball cabbage
I have a row of station sown Calabrese
I have two rows of red Japanese onions
I have three rows of normal Japanes onions
I have two rows of spring planted onion sets
I have two rows of Broad beans.
I have a wigwam for climbing French Beans
On the right flat area of plot:-
I have a row of red cabbage
I have four half rows of spring planted onion sets
I have one full row of Japanese onions
I have one full row of spring planted onion sets
I have a row of station planted curly kale.
I have one row of Charlotte potatoes
I have 2 rows of Elfe maincrop potatoes
I have two rows of runner beans with cane supports
I have four courgette plants
Along the fenceline:-
I have two half standard gooseberry plants (red and green)
I have one half standard whitecurrant
I have one half standard redcurrant
I have two blaackcurrant bushes
I have a row of raspberries
In the greenhouse
I have ten tomato plants
I have two cucumber plants
I have six Habanero chillies
I have six mixed chillies
I have French beans and climbing french beans ready to go out
I have two cucumbers ready to go out
I have three butternut Squash ready to go out
I have module sown turnips soon to go out
Phew....that's me up to date.

Lets see, where am I at now.
I have carrots growing in a raised bed
I have leeks growing in a raised bed
I have red torpedo onions growing in a
raised bed
I have seed grown Ailsa Craig onions growing in a raised bed
I have Parsnips growing in a raised bed
I have strawberries growing in two raised beds (Early fruiting and late varieties)
I have Garlic and shallots growing in a raised bed
I have Elephant Garlic, broad beans and Spring cabbage growing in a raised bed
I have just sown more carrots in another raised bed
On the left flat area of plot:-
I have a row of Chrysanthemums
I have a gooseberry plant
I have a row of Brussel Sprouts
I have a row of Spring Cabage (Eating at moment)
I have a row of Spring Ball cabbage
I have a row of station sown Calabrese
I have two rows of red Japanese onions
I have three rows of normal Japanes onions
I have two rows of spring planted onion sets
I have two rows of Broad beans.
I have a wigwam for climbing French Beans
On the right flat area of plot:-
I have a row of red cabbage
I have four half rows of spring planted onion sets
I have one full row of Japanese onions
I have one full row of spring planted onion sets
I have a row of station planted curly kale.
I have one row of Charlotte potatoes
I have 2 rows of Elfe maincrop potatoes
I have two rows of runner beans with cane supports
I have four courgette plants
Along the fenceline:-
I have two half standard gooseberry plants (red and green)
I have one half standard whitecurrant
I have one half standard redcurrant
I have two blaackcurrant bushes
I have a row of raspberries
In the greenhouse
I have ten tomato plants
I have two cucumber plants
I have six Habanero chillies
I have six mixed chillies
I have French beans and climbing french beans ready to go out
I have two cucumbers ready to go out
I have three butternut Squash ready to go out
I have module sown turnips soon to go out
Phew....that's me up to date.
