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Used compost


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  • Used compost

    I've been growing potatoes in buckets. I've harvested two buckets and have got two buckets left.

    What can I do with the compost? The raised beds are already reasonably filled.

  • #2
    Add to compost heap, use for germinating seedlings, I mixed mine up with sand in to two potato grow bags to grow roots (carrots especially) as our ground is very clay and stony. Use to top dress raised beds (bet they're not fully full).


    • #3
      I sieve mine and grow carrots in buckets, which I find protects them somewhat from the ravages of slugs. The chunky bits go in the compost bin which helps to keep it aerated, especially when mixed with grass.
      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


      • #4
        I either grow something else in it, top up the beds or add it to the compost as a brown carbon source.

        When reusing it I often add BFB and when adding it to the beds I try to add it to beds that ha e grown members of the same family this year to fit in with crop rotation.

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        ― Thomas A. Edison

        - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


        • #5
          You could always sieve it and sprinkle it on the lawn! It helps keep the grass very green in the dry weather. Otherwise bag it and recharge it with BFB to reuse again.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Penellype View Post
            I sieve mine and grow carrots in buckets, which I find protects them somewhat from the ravages of slugs. The chunky bits go in the compost bin which helps to keep it aerated, especially when mixed with grass.
            Genius idea about using it for carrots! I didn't have much luck in the raised beds (think it was because of slugs). Hopefully not too late to sow carrots this week.

            Originally posted by ESBkevin View Post
            You could always sieve it and sprinkle it on the lawn! It helps keep the grass very green in the dry weather. Otherwise bag it and recharge it with BFB to reuse again.
            I hadn't thought about using it on the lawn.

            Originally posted by Jimny14 View Post
            Use to top dress raised beds (bet they're not fully full).
            Nope but they're at the same level as earlier this year. I guess I could still top the beds up even more.


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