Gardening to me is enjoyable,when I was able I enjoyed digging, I didn't grow much due to lack of time but found digging helped ease pressures a bit, doing physical work and not needing to worry if I was doing it right or not gave me a break from other pressures, I grow more flowers than veg because I like flowers, and it gave quicker results, I did grow potatoes and onions from sets, and easy to grow things like radish, beetroot, peas and beans, things that gave results with minimum of time and effort, I have always disliked needing to weed,so try to cover the soil with plants I want, and no doubt plant things too close for that purpose, and now that the growing season is come to a close here I am now looking through the seed catalogues to see what I will grow next year, and of course planning to grow more than I have room for. I am out in the greenhouse quite a lot but that is more because I don't enjoy the tv that much than doing gardening work, and it is not the tidiest of places, just like the veg part of the garden is always in need of a tidy , but then it gives me a reason to go out if OH starts on about doing something in the house,(hold on I am just going out to tidy) so gardening still gives me an escape from pressures
Don't worry about not having time or enthusiasm, just dream of what you will try growing next year, and remember even the experienced gardeners don't get it right all the time in my case my aims are higher than my abilities but I still enjoy it
Don't worry about not having time or enthusiasm, just dream of what you will try growing next year, and remember even the experienced gardeners don't get it right all the time in my case my aims are higher than my abilities but I still enjoy it