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Garlic hasn't sprouted


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  • Garlic hasn't sprouted

    Planted garlic in two separate beds one day apart. The bed that has a mix of bought and own garlic from last year has sprouted. But the bed that contains only own garlic from last year hasn't sprouted at all. It is now three weeks!

    Am I just an anxious parent? Or should I sow new cloves assuming that they have all rotted.

    Ps the beds are very close but the one that has sprouted gets a little more sun but not that much more.

  • #2
    Originally posted by kitty12345 View Post

    Am I just an anxious parent? .
    Yes They should be making roots before they make any shoots anyway. Sometimes I don't see tops for weeks and weeks, depends how deep you've planted them, as well.


    • #3
      Thank you. I will try to stop hovering over them!


      • #4
        Last year we planted saved garlic (mixed up) in 2 beds. One came up beautifuly and over wintered. The other nothing, nada, zip. Key much swearing and cussing, too late to do anything else. Spring came and there was a second full bed of garlic. No accounting for these things... I'd leave it and see what happens, but then that's my answer to most things.


        • #5
          If you'd like something to worry about you could wonder whether the ones that have sprouted are the bought ones and not the saved ones - since you've mixed them up in one bed.

          Or you could think about whether the saved ones are autumn or spring planting garlic.

          Or you could just sit back and wait for things to happen - which is always my course of action!


          • #6
            Thanks everyone.
            I think my course of action will be to do nothing (for now). I already planted a third bed last week hehehe...

            Fortunately I managed to be a little more orderly in the mixed up bed and it wasn't so mixed up. They were at opposite ends and both sides of the bed have sprouted.

            Pretty sure it's autumn planted garlic as I planted them in freezing December last year. I haven't grown spring grown before.

            I will be trying to keep cool *whistles*


            • #7
              I think you are very restrained. I’m forever digging up stuff that I’ve planted to see how it’s getting on.
              I bet your garlic will grow.


              • #8
                Originally posted by muck lover View Post
                I think you are very restrained. I’m forever digging up stuff that I’ve planted to see how it’s getting on.
                I bet your garlic will grow.
                Thank you I hope they grow too! I was tempted to dig around but I didn't put markers so didn't want to disturb it too much.


                • #9
                  I had a bed like that 2 years ago. Then I started to see garlic bulbs on the surface.



                  • #10
                    Uggh. Found two cloves on the soil but uneaten a couple of weeks ago and assumed they were birds.

                    If the mice eat my biggest and best bulbs from last year, I will be sooooo upset!

                    Still no sprouts today.


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