As you know, or don't yet, I have about 30 randomly shaped beds, each containing a motley collection of veg, fruit, herbs and flowers.
In one bed I've been planting all the "spring" onions, chives and mini leeks alongside the path on one side. It wasn't deliberate, just easy, and, as they've bulked up, its given me an idea. I could edge the bed, all the way round, with these alliums.
What if all beds were planted with the quick to mature/or cut and come again veg on the outside for easy access. The next, inner, row of planting would be moderately fast - like beetroot and kale. In the centre would be the longstanding, slow to mature veggies like sprouts that need little attention for months - or a fruit bush or tree, or something ornamental.
A bit like the rings in a tree trunk. Circular-ish rings of plants, probably with the tallest in the centre.
Daft or not??
In one bed I've been planting all the "spring" onions, chives and mini leeks alongside the path on one side. It wasn't deliberate, just easy, and, as they've bulked up, its given me an idea. I could edge the bed, all the way round, with these alliums.
What if all beds were planted with the quick to mature/or cut and come again veg on the outside for easy access. The next, inner, row of planting would be moderately fast - like beetroot and kale. In the centre would be the longstanding, slow to mature veggies like sprouts that need little attention for months - or a fruit bush or tree, or something ornamental.
A bit like the rings in a tree trunk. Circular-ish rings of plants, probably with the tallest in the centre.
Daft or not??
