Hi All.
Can I pass ob a tip I learned years ago regarding spring onions
Some of the supermarket onions are larger and tastier than some from seeds we buy.
Choose a bunch of your choice I use a bucket for this with holes in the base fill with a good compost.
Cut the onions leaving an inch of root plant so you can just see the tops they will grow on. when large enough cut off leaving the roots to grow again I use a bucket to pop them in the green house in the winter.
I have kept these going for over 26 years
Can I pass ob a tip I learned years ago regarding spring onions
Some of the supermarket onions are larger and tastier than some from seeds we buy.
Choose a bunch of your choice I use a bucket for this with holes in the base fill with a good compost.
Cut the onions leaving an inch of root plant so you can just see the tops they will grow on. when large enough cut off leaving the roots to grow again I use a bucket to pop them in the green house in the winter.
I have kept these going for over 26 years
