Originally posted by Mark_Riga
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In our somewhat artificial environment there are sources of organic material that do not rob the land as such - leaves that fall on concrete being and example, but in reality the world is now set up in a way in which if gardeners did not use some of the organic material produced it would probably go to landfill. This includes leaves collected from public places, green waste etc. With regard to my horse manure, I am talking about using enough to fill a couple of hotbeds 1m x 2m x 0.3m deep once a year. The 20 horses at the stables produce more than this daily, and the remainder (including the wood shavings imported from elsewhere) go onto the farmer's land. That land is not going to miss my tiny little portion, and the wood shavings are a waste product from timber grown elsewhere for other uses, which opens up a new can of worms...
It is impossible to live in the modern world without exploiting some of the planet's resources, probably far more than is "comfortable" if you start thinking about it too much. But there is absolutely nothing that individuals can do about most of it, except be conscientious and avoid doing unnecessary harm yourself.