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Aubergine woes revisited


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  • Aubergine woes revisited

    My aubergine flowers are only just fading now. Will I even get a single small aubergine this year???

    We're finally getting a teeny bit of summer weather now.

    My chillis however, have done pretty well. Lots of chillis ripening.


  • #2
    It has been a bad year for my aubergines in the greenhouse. I only got three fruit and I had three plants. They were very strange, too. I've never had a massive crop, but I thought this was a poor performance.

    I'm keeping my fingers' crossed about my sweetcorn - I hope this warm spell will ripen them.


    • #3
      Mine are just starting to flower! I guess its a no hoper!


      • #4
        Well it's quite late, but you never know...


        • #5
          I think it's been a very bad year for aubergines Veggiewomble. Getting some was one of my challenges for this year. It all started splendidly with the great weather early in the year then it all went to rubbish. They got botritis in the green house (not surprised, it was permanently cold and wet) and in the end I got 3 miserable little aubergines. Oh well, there's always next year. But I did get great chillies. No aubergines to show so have a look at the chillies.
          Attached Files

          From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


          • #6
            Yes, isn't it weird, chillis going like mad, aubergines, three varieties, all poor, I did have one outside which was producing well (moneymaker) and the slugs flung themselves over my slug pellet barrier, so eager were they to get to my aubergines and ruin them.


            • #7
              the slugs flung themselves over my slug pellet barrier
              lol! I am seeing this in my head, and they are pole-vaulting!!


              • #8
                Think my slugs & snails are related to yours Sue. I put copper tape around the pot with my aubergine in & still found a snail chomping on the stem on two occasions, I think they abseil down from nearby plants!
                Here's my puny aubergine after it had been nibbled.
                Attached Files
                Into every life a little rain must fall.


                • #9
                  I think my aubergines were related to yours SueA. All ended in disaster.

                  From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                  • #10
                    Sue A and Alice
                    Do you think we have got some horrible slug superspecies or are they some crack SAS style force??
                    My main job tomorrow is slaughter, I am going over the ground round the raised beds with a tooth comb and every single slug, SAS or not is going down a chicken's gullet by sundown. There is no mercy on my allotment.
                    I wanted to eat my aubergines not watch them disappear...


                    • #11
                      My husband informs me there are twice as many slugs this year as usual. He says it's official - he read it somewhere but I can't remember where. Anyway, it wasn't the slugs that did for my aubergines - it was the botritus in the cold, damp greenhouse. The peppadew peppers haven't been affected but the tomatoes are rubbish. I'll get a few but that's all. Looking forward to a better summer next year.

                      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Alice View Post
                        I think my aubergines were related to yours SueA. All ended in disaster.
                        Can mine join the family too Got a bit excited the other day when I spotted one stripy Aubergine, tiny, but it was there. Then yesterday it had dropped off the plant.
                        All at once I hear your voice
                        And time just slips away
                        Bonnie Raitt


                        • #13
                          I feel abit better after reading your posts. We have grown lots of things for the first time this year (due to actually having a garden to grow in!!) and our aubs have been awful, had a few tiny seed filled fruits but that's it!!

                          Bumper crop of toms and marrows though


                          • #14
                            Yes, it does help enormously to read you're not the only one suffering!


                            • #15
                              I was really surprised by our aubergines. I fancied growing them but as we don't get the best weather here I didn't expect to get anything - even undercover! like everyone else they started off well but then were infested with white and greenfly and all the lovely flowers turned brown and fell off. I have to confess that they were then badly negelected, getting water the odd time - but that was it. My hubby and I were getting ready to dump stuff in the compost last week and imagine our surprise when a fruit was lurking under the foliage! I know it is pretty unimpressive but I was pleased!! Plus I wonder if the neglect had anything to do with it??


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