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Indoor chilli growing: Seeds every year vs same plants every year (overwintered)


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  • Indoor chilli growing: Seeds every year vs same plants every year (overwintered)

    I'm planning to grow chillies next year in the South East of England on my windowsill, and am trying to get all my plans ready, I'm enjoying the research! I'm planning to grow Thai chillies and Prairie Fire.

    What are the benefits of planting new seeds every year (from the previous year's crop) as opposed to overwintering (is it still called that when growing indoors?) the existing plants?

    I've read many articles about overwintering, but they all seem to refer to moving chillies from outside in, but I'm growing them indoors to start with. If I were to go down the overwintering route, would I just prune back the chilli plant and keep it in the same compost/pot?


  • #2
    The benefit of overwintering is you already have an established plant so it can put more energy into fruiting - so bigger crops. Even if kept in the same compost you still need to consider nutrients/ feed.

    I will let the chilli heads on here go into the art of overwintering chilies as I am not particularly good at it.


    • #3
      for what you are looking to grow, going to be 6 and half a dozen. They grow easy and well, so what you achieve by overwintering - early crop and bigger plants, you will loose with bio-security and having to look after them.


      • #4
        Originally posted by dave_100 View Post
        I'm planning to grow chillies next year in the South East of England on my windowsill, and am trying to get all my plans ready, I'm enjoying the research! I'm planning to grow Thai chillies and Prairie Fire.

        What are the benefits of planting new seeds every year (from the previous year's crop) as opposed to overwintering (is it still called that when growing indoors?) the existing plants?

        I've read many articles about overwintering, but they all seem to refer to moving chillies from outside in, but I'm growing them indoors to start with. If I were to go down the overwintering route, would I just prune back the chilli plant and keep it in the same compost/pot?

        Trust me when I say the south east isn't going to be a disadvantage.
        You'll find considerably more chilli producers down there than their is up here.
        Personally for the varieties you want to grow I'd go with sowing every year. Due to my location I never overwinter anything. But I know lots of people have great success with it.
        Don't forget if you're saving your own seeds it's advisable to isolate them to ensure your seeds stay true to type. They do like to cross if they get the chance.
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