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Chillies - growing and overwintering 2019


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  • Are Marconi sweet peppers? I don't know anything about them, I'm afraid. 2016 seeds shouldn't be too old but it depends on how they were dried out and stored - assuming they were viable in the first instance - they might not have been.

    I've had variable results this year - seeds from late 2017 (so only just over a year old) haven't germinated but some much older have done.
    Last edited by Mitzi; 08-02-2019, 04:07 PM.


    • Yeah, Marconis are sweet peppers, but the seed isn't old (packed 2018). Think I got 100% germination from the Basques last year so it's a bit disappointing to get zero this year. They'll both get some more time to show themselves, but I'm not expecting much.


      • When did you sow them ?


        • First batch 18 days ago, second batch 9 days ago. Both batches still in the propagator.


          • Originally posted by toomanytommytoes View Post
            First batch 18 days ago, second batch 9 days ago. Both batches still in the propagator.
            A little more patients needed


            • Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0763 (2).jpg
Views:	1
Size:	81.4 KB
ID:	2382252 heres my seedlings , some in props and some potted on, i took the lids off the props for you to see they are back on now and the light has been lowered back down too ,cheers
              Last edited by the big lebowski; 09-02-2019, 06:19 PM.
              The Dude abides.


              • Is it too soon to sow my Ring of Fire, Prairie fire and Thai dragon chillies this Sunday (10th feb)?

                Bearing in mind I don't have grow lights, I'm not sure the sun is high enough in the sky yet to provide enough light on my south facing windowsill for when they germinate around end of Feb (or maybe sooner!)?


                • Don't know why but always found Marconi were a bigger to get to germinat... just thought they didnt like me..
                  I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                  ...utterly nutterly


                  • Originally posted by dave_100 View Post
                    Is it too soon to sow my Ring of Fire, Prairie fire and Thai dragon chillies this Sunday (10th feb)?

                    Bearing in mind I don't have grow lights, I'm not sure the sun is high enough in the sky yet to provide enough light on my south facing windowsill for when they germinate around end of Feb (or maybe sooner!)?
                    Days are getting noticeably longer so you should be ok. You can always leave it another week or two if you want, it probably won’t make much difference to the fruiting time.


                    • Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
                      Days are getting noticeably longer so you should be ok. You can always leave it another week or two if you want, it probably won’t make much difference to the fruiting time.
                      Thanks, my original plan was the weekend of Feb 23rd, I think I will wait.
                      I was just getting itchy feet


                      • All six of my chilli farm plug plants that I was trying to overwinter are now dead
                        So I'm having to sow some seeds, this is my first time growing chillis from seed so could all go a bit wrong. With that in mind I have sown far more seeds than I actually need, six each of De Cayenne, Cayenetta, Habanero, Jalape�o and Hotscotch.

                        If they all grow I might have a go at planting some outside, I hate to chuck away healthy plants.


                        • Originally posted by Teds Mum View Post
                          All six of my chilli farm plug plants that I was trying to overwinter are now dead
                          So I'm having to sow some seeds, this is my first time growing chillis from seed so could all go a bit wrong. With that in mind I have sown far more seeds than I actually need, six each of De Cayenne, Cayenetta, Habanero, Jalape�o and Hotscotch.

                          If they all grow I might have a go at planting some outside, I hate to chuck away healthy plants.
                          Sorry about your overwinters. Do you know why they died? Just keep your seeds somewhere warm and hopefully you will have some babies very soon.

                          I grow most of my chillies outside in the Yorkshire Pennines so as you're in Devon I think yours will be happier. If you have indoor / greenhouse space then the Habanero and Hotscotch will appreciate it the most; the other three should be fine outdoors once it's warmed up.


                          • ^^ Alternatively grow them all and keep until end of season (you can always prune them to keep under control / contained if you need to), then have another go at overwintering. If you have six of each plant you have room to play a bit, vary the method / location, and see which works best for you. It�s always a good idea to have spares; with the best prep in the world there�s no guarantees every plant you plan to overwinter will survive.
                            I always overwinter, so generally I�ll grow three of every variety at the start of the season, at the end of the summer / post harvest, I�ll take out the weakest performer, and the remaining two get pruned and ultimately come indoors. That way I�ve got a spare of each variety. I can comfortably overwinter sixteen plants in 4L pots, and I can accommodate eight 2nd year plants in 15L pots in my greenhouse, so the math works out about right. If both plants survive, bonus, I�ll grow one outside maybe, or it�s a good gift for a fellow enthusiast. I�ve never known anyone turn down a free chilli plant, especially one primed to grow big in a short timeframe


                            • Sowed my last two baccatums today (Hot Orange and Ethiopian Peppertree) and my first six annuums (Numex Lemon Spice, Ethiopian Berbere*, Gelbe Kirschen*, Monkey Face*, Purple Tiger and Cseresznye Paprika.)

                              Fingers crossed! I bought both baccatums from Nicky’s Nursery two years ago but hadn’t opened the foil packets, so they might still be viable.

                              * Thanks Norfolkgrey for the Monkey Face and Chris11 for the other two.
                              Last edited by Mitzi; 10-02-2019, 05:53 PM.


                              • I've sown my last 10 varieties today.


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