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Chillies - growing and overwintering 2019


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  • Where do you get your seeds from? I would hate to spend months growing several plants to find that they aren't what they are supposed to be.


    • I can't remember those particular ones but most of mine this year are from swaps.

      Edit: Yes, the Bhut Jolokia Peach and the BBG7 White came from a seed train that I'm on. The trouble is that I wouldn't know where else to source some of those varieties so it's worth taking the risk in the hope that they come true. Mind you, SP's BBG7 White does look like one, so maybe mine is just a single aberration (spelling?).

      It is frustrating and I think I'm going to buy seeds for next year and hope that the commercial suppliers are a bit more reliable than the swaps. I'm also thinking of returning to some that I've grown previously and enjoyed, so maybe I won't have as many experimental and new-to-me varieties.

      I know I say this every year, but I'm really honestly truly going to reduce my grow for 2020. I've got far too many this year and I just haven't had the time to look after them properly, pot them on when they need it etc. Combine that with the awful May and June weather we had here and everything has been struggling. Maximum 20 varieties next year. Eeek - how on earth can I narrow it down to that?
      Last edited by Mitzi; 05-08-2019, 02:36 PM.


      • Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
        Edit: Yes, the Bhut Jolokia Peach and the BBG7 White came from a seed train that I'm on. The trouble is that I wouldn't know where else to source some of those varieties so it's worth taking the risk in the hope that they come true. Mind you, SP's BBG7 White does look like one, so maybe mine is just a single aberration (spelling?).
        When they've crossed it can be difficult to tell - some plants look true to type others not. But the variations become more apparent the further down the line you go. I've long since ditched those swaps because some save seed and don't have the knowledge of isolating seed correctly or just wing it cos they think it was the only one flowering etc. Sorry, it makes me a bit mad ( I also hate it when people sell chickens as a "traditional breed" cos they look very much like it hasn't been crossed ) I've got an odd tomato this year...

        Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
        Maximum 20 varieties next year. Eeek - how on earth can I narrow it down to that?
        I'd honestly vouch for that. I have cut down hugely and I've found I've had better quality plants with huge crops - admittedly lots of the same, but I'm happier looking at something healthy. So I've been more motivated.
        Last edited by Scarlet; 05-08-2019, 03:16 PM.


        • So many different colour and shapes. Love my chillies 1.1kg today

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          • Wow! They are fab!


            • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
              So many different colour and shapes. Love my chillies 1.1kg today
              So colourful! What a beautiful harvest. What are the pale orange bonnety shaped ones - are they the Matthew Arthur?


              • Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
                So colourful! What a beautiful harvest. What are the pale orange bonnety shaped ones - are they the Matthew Arthur?
                Not the Matthew Arthur although there is a couple in there. Those pale orange are my mutant shaped pink habs.
                They’re really odd. Nearly all of them are Siamese with one half ripe and the other still green. They’re all very bumpy & lumpy, not hab shaped at all. Seeds from the same packet as last year and that plant & pods were perfect, which is why I’ve grown them again.


                • How weird!


                  • Here�s some photos of the mutant pink hab

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                    There�s a few normal looking pods starting to come now, farther up the plan.


                    • Lidls are selling Reusable Fruit and Vegetable bags ​(2 for 69p) that look like they'd be good for isolating.

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                      • They look great Jonny! Thanks. I will check them out.


                        • SP, they look like they are fused together? Weird.....


                          • I thought I�d do a little update on some of my chillies.

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                            chupentinho Is covered in pods. Not tried one yet. Won�t be growing again pods are to small for my needs. Even though it�s a good looking plant.

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                            I love this freaky looking farmers market jalape�o with his very hairy leaves and heavily corked pods. On the fence about this one. He takes an age to ripen and I don�t need him green because he�s no good for cowboy candy with that skin.

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                            Aji strawberry first pod just starting to ripen. Look forward to trying this one.

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                            Sugar rush cream from Mitzi in the seedling swap. Is he behaving correctly Mitzi?
                            I assumed he�d grow the same shape as sugar rush peach (my favourite chilli). All his pods are round. It�s look very much like I�ve got a red sugar rush in my mystery chilli collection


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                              Finally the mystery chilli that got upgraded to the chilli tunnel. Pods are getting big and starting to look a little scary! No sign of ripening yet though.

                              Still loving the look of cheiro roxa but it�s an absolute @rse to photograph. I think a couple of pods are nearly ready to try. I�ll try get a good photo soon, I could do with a second opinion on ripeness. There�s not much of a colour change according to my googleing


                              • This is very exciting! I didn�t realise bubblegum had a bleeding calyx. It�s very cool.

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