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Chillies - growing and overwintering 2019


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  • Can't help myself

    I went to a garden show today hoping to get a Coronilla but ended up getting a Royal Black Chilli, HELP!!!


    • how successful is it to over-winter chilli's
      I'm looking to over winter my trinidad perfume but OH dislikes them on the window sill, so i'm thinking of a hotbed in the greenhouse, anybody any success with this?


      • Originally posted by MyWifesBrassicas View Post
        how successful is it to over-winter chilli's
        I'm looking to over winter my trinidad perfume but OH dislikes them on the window sill, so i'm thinking of a hotbed in the greenhouse, anybody any success with this?
        Trinidad Perfume do not overwinter well. I tried it last year and lost both of them. whereas stuff like Serrano and Ghost Peppers pulled through fine. Just my observations anyway...


        • Originally posted by The Pepper Man View Post
          Trinidad Perfume do not overwinter well. I tried it last year and lost both of them. whereas stuff like Serrano and Ghost Peppers pulled through fine. Just my observations anyway...
          thanks pepper man.

          how did you overwinter your peppers?


          • Originally posted by MyWifesBrassicas View Post
            thanks pepper man.

            how did you overwinter your peppers?
            Inside the house at first, but then I kept them in a heated greenhouse. Temperatures between 5-15C. Never below freezing.

            Basically I overwintered 7 plants, and the only 2 that failed to survive were the Trinidad Perfumes. But that is very frustrating for me because Trinidad Perfume is probably my favourite pepper.


            • Originally posted by MyWifesBrassicas View Post
              how successful is it to over-winter chilli's
              I'm looking to over winter my trinidad perfume but OH dislikes them on the window sill, so i'm thinking of a hotbed in the greenhouse, anybody any success with this?
              I don't think you will have much luck with trying in the GH/ hotbed set up.....but never tried it! Maybe worth a shot if it's not too much to set up. But I think the cost/ work maybe outweigh the gains?

              Take her out for dinner....and give her some flowers and I think you may have some luck


              • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                I don't think you will have much luck with trying in the GH/ hotbed set up.....but never tried it! Maybe worth a shot if it's not too much to set up. But I think the cost/ work maybe outweigh the gains?

                Take her out for dinner....and give her some flowers and I think you may have some luck
                i think you might be right on the work/weight to gain ratio, although the hotbed wouldn't be specially for the chilli's.
                Scarlet, if only it was that easy


                • I'm won over with a dinner out

                  There must be something - try harder


                  • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                    I'm won over with a dinner out

                    There must be something - try harder
                    That would definitely outweigh any benefit


                    • Hot bed, bottom heat. Not for chillis but may be informative

                      I set up bottom heat earlier this year and posted a bit of an eval, including running cost estimate. See this post in Undercover thread


                      Also, if you have a look at this page Greenhouse, which shows the sort of temperatures we were getting back in March/April with the setup discussed in the post.

                      Blue is the air temperature at 1m off ground and green is temperature at about 40mm depth.

                      May try overwintering some chillis.

                      As always, YMMV...
                      I live in a part of the UK with very mild winters. Please take this into account before thinking "if he is sowing those now...."


                      • If you can keep the hot bed temp fairly consistent. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for chillies.
                        The best bit of advice I ever got from a well known chilli grower ( sadly no longer with us ). Keep the roots warm.


                        • Guess what I�ve been doing today

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ID:	2385323

                          And mystery chillies

                          Click image for larger version

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Size:	70.0 KB
ID:	2385324


                          • Anyone growing apple crisp? Do they have the Same reputation as Padron? Every now and again you’ll get a hot one? Only ask because the first apple crisp I tried was quite warm. A lot warmer than I was expecting. I’ve just tried another one and it was like a very juicy sweet pepper. No heat at all.
                            I’m quite happy for a game of Russian roulette with my food. But it’s not everyone’s idea of fun.


                            • Been thinking about how to use/store my chilli harvest. Last year we just used them fresh or made some chilli sauce. Was thinking might make some chill flavoured oil. Not sure if there is another option for preserving. Did also freeze a few. Any ideas ?


                              • Well making chilli oil ensure you only leave dried chillies in the oil as fresh chillies/garlic and oil can cause botulism. They can go mouldy quite quick too.

                                Pickled chillies. Chilli vinegar. Oil. Chutney/Jam. Sauce or frozen is pretty much all I do.


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