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Chillies - growing and overwintering 2019


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  • Oh, I've only ever seen them in yellow. Maybe it's OK, then. I haven't got any that look like a monkey face shape though.


    • Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
      Another "not what it should be" - my Monkey Face (from the Seed Circle) is ripening to red. AFAIK it should be yellow.
      Monkey Face can ripen to red or golden yellow as far as I am aware??
      I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

      ...utterly nutterly


      • Some pics from one of the greenhouses.
        Starting to clean out some toms so have more room now

        Bangalore Whippets Tail is a lovely plant to look at when covered with long red chillies
        Also there is Red Savina, 7 pot chocolate and Orange Jalapeno
        Attached Files
        I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

        ...utterly nutterly


        • First mistake with my growroom. I used water from a watering can to top up the cat lit trays my plants are sat in, then after 2 days when I opened the door 2 mossies flew out. I'll have to be more careful with my water I want to try to have no critters in there.


          • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
            They are supposed to be around 10cm pretty big.
            Info for red ones here:
            I�d expect yellow because they�re the only ones I�d ever really heard of ( that�s just me not paying attention again). I definitely hadn�t realised they were such big pods either. The picture on that link is exactly what I�m growing .

            I tried my first sugar rush cream last night ( when I say try, I mean a tiny little bit of the end of the pod ). Lovely lovely flavour, I think hotter than the peach.


            • Morning all

              Some nice harvests taking place I see!

              My own plants are now overdue their main pick. The warm weather last week was crucial to bring on the still many green pods and complete ripening. I�ve had my glasshouse all but sealed to maximise the temperature inside and I had more progress in that final gasp of summer than the whole of August pretty much!
              I much prefer to ripen on the plant even if it means reduced cropping overall; anything I pick green and leave on a windowsill to ripen is usually soft by the time it�s coloured up.

              I�m also very happy to report that I�ve finally found something that is effective against the greenfly that have become such a hated fixture of my grow year these last few. There are several advocates of it on here already and though late to the party better late than never:
              Neem Oil. THANK. YOU.!!
              Combined with horticultural soap and sprayed on liberally every 5 days. After x3 applications I have to say my relief was palpable the morning I walked into the glasshouse and saw the many thousands of brown specks everywhere indicating dead greenfly, and the green of leaves visible once more with their fuzzy shroud lifted at last!
              I think a healthy population of ladybirds in permanent residence backed up with neem spray could well be the ultimate fix. Interesting that where chemical remedies have failed (me) it�s the green options that look to have prevailed

              Am off work this week and next getting over surgery. Good job the weather has turned so abruptly (not often I�ll make that statement)! as I now can�t get out to water. Plants should just tick over and start to wind down ready for winter


              • SP:
                I�ve got Apple Crisp on the go, my only 3 yr old this year. I find the pods consistently very mild, not encountered a warm one yet let alone a hot one. But the fruits taste good and can be snacked on straight off the plant given their mildness. I like that they are a good size, attractive deep orangey red colour, and something a bit different. I did Alma Paprika awhile back which are very similar but I recall that one didn�t crop so well and it�s fruits were a bit tasteless. The AC plant is a resilient one; I had mine outside most of last summer where it cropped well enough, then overwintered it no problems and it�s doing well again this year back under glass.

                How is the Aji Strawberry - does it actually taste of strawberry


                • Thanks for the apple crisp advice Philthy.

                  AJI strawberry oddly enough...... no it doesn’t taste of strawberry. Well I don’t think so. But it does have a lovely fruity flavour.

                  Neem oil will **** up your ladybird population. I used it for a short period last year on my chillies and yes it did a fantastic job of controlling the aphids. But I didn’t see a hover fly or bee ( or anything else) in the tunnel for days after using it. So I stopped and went onto ladybird larvae. Which were also fantastic and when they turned into adults they produced the next generation aphid killing babies. It was fascinating watching them. I didn’t get any this year because I didn’t have a aphid problem. Not until very late into the season, but they’ve not got out of hand. When I do next have a problem ladybird larvae will be ordered.


                  • I only really use neem early in the season when there are no beneficial insects around to stop aphid populations exploding. As soon as I see ladybird eggs, hoverflies or parasitised aphid mummies I stop spraying. The ladybirds and parasitic wasps have been in the greenhouse for most of the summer. The big clusters of aphids get squished by me, but the beneficials take care of the rest. The aphids have been back for a couple of weeks now, but the beneficials have quickly returned for one last feast.


                    • Can anyone give me the name of good chilli seed (or plug plants) suppliers. I am getting hooked. Grown Scotch Bonnets this year and they are all green apart from one which has turned red. I have kept them in the greenhouse. I got the seeds from Thompson and Morgan but I want to grow more exciting varieties next year.


                      • Originally posted by Holly Daze View Post
                        Can anyone give me the name of good chilli seed (or plug plants) suppliers. I am getting hooked. Grown Scotch Bonnets this year and they are all green apart from one which has turned red. I have kept them in the greenhouse. I got the seeds from Thompson and Morgan but I want to grow more exciting varieties next year.
                        I only started growing chillies this year so by no means an expert.

                        I started late and got an end-of-season half price deal on a mixture of plugs from world of chillies just because they came out first from Google. All the plugs were successful and grew into healthy plants. Got (IIRC) Paper Lantern, Scotch Bonnet, Orange, Chocolate and White Habanero.

                        Harvested dozen or so paper lanterns and a few orange habaneros so far. White habeneros look like they will be ripe soon. Lots more fruit on the way.

                        Will go back to them next year.
                        Last edited by quanglewangle; 27-09-2019, 11:23 AM. Reason: added harvest info. spelling
                        I live in a part of the UK with very mild winters. Please take this into account before thinking "if he is sowing those now...."


                        • Look at these..... for a start.
                          Last edited by Small pumpkin; 27-09-2019, 11:25 AM.


                          • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                            Look at these..... for a start.
                            Wow! That's just for a start, then?
                            I live in a part of the UK with very mild winters. Please take this into account before thinking "if he is sowing those now...."


                            • Thank you quanglewangle and small pumpkin for your advice. I will look at these. Saw a lovely collection of chillies at RHS Harlow Car Gardens at Harrogate last week and I thought I�d have a go.


                              • Harvest and feeding day.

                                Just over 6.5kg

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