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What I did today - 2019


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  • #91
    Over the plots today putting socks on my fence posts, and securing things down


    • #92
      Finished pruning both my apple trees, potted up blueberries, picked bits of tape off some cardboard I acquired, sowed some salad, sweet peas, cauliflower and leeks in the GH, all whilst listening to my latest library book ;-)


      • #93
        Took my stainless steel drum from a dismatled tumbled drier to the plot - half filled with a mix of old compost, wood chippings and soil. In a couple of months it will be a 'feature'. Mate of mine at the plot said - "So you've dropped a stainless steel drum - almost like something from out of space - onto your plot - which looks like the Somme."

        Takes a lot to dishearten me but he nearly managed it
        1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


        • #94
          Planted 30 rocket 1st earlies in raised beds and containers. Containers in GH and raised beds covered with glass.


          • #95
            Time to get moving again so I sowed some Sweet Pea seeds in greenhouse..
            Also sowed some carrots, spring onions and lettuce in the greenhouse..
            Potted on some chilli plants and have seed potatoes chatting..

            It is a start..😁
            I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

            ...utterly nutterly


            • #96
              I threw out some chatting potatoes - saved from last year as I'm not growing spuds this year. It was part of my "tidy the GH" task for today.
              I also potted up some rooted mint cuttings that were picked for mint tea but rooted before I could make it.
              Are you still with me???


              • #97
                Originally posted by Greenleaves View Post
                Over the plots today putting socks on my fence posts, and securing things down
                Don't you love it when nobody bats an eyelid at the absurdity of this?


                • #98
                  Whilst I say chatting, it was more whispering really.. sounded like "wonder when he's going to put us on the window"
                  I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                  ...utterly nutterly


                  • #99
                    Today, I got meself an allotment!


                    • Originally posted by Runtpuppy View Post
                      Today, I got meself an allotment!
                      Yay! Congrats!


                      • Originally posted by SarrissUK View Post
                        Yay! Congrats!
                        Thanks, Sariss! I've been dancing since yesterday ) I am going to collect horse manure for my pretty little bit of land today.


                        • I pondered going to fetch more horse manure, but it's drizzling outside - you know, the fine, really soaking type of drizzling that's impossible to go out in when you got glasses, as you won't see a thing.

                          Instead I've stayed in, potted on more tomatoes, kale (my god, I will eat a lot of kale this year!) and cabbages that have germinated nicely... and sowed some flower seeds, more cabbage, salad leaves, lambs lettuce. I'm also making a bird feeder out of an empty hanging basket that I will take up to the allotment.


                          • Watching the hail and rain from the kitchen window - I had plans today but its chucking it down so hard I don't even think I'll make it to the garden shed / man-cave.

                            Meh - rugby then...
                            1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                            • It was chucking it down this morning, so did some domestic paperwork. Went up to the plot for a few hours this afternoon. Ground was still wet so not much I could do, but I did shift a dozen barrow loads of rotted woodchip and weed roots off the car park, in between chatting to fellow plot holders ;-)


                              • Shifted more soil from driveway to garden. Maybe a tonne and a half left? It�ll be done by March.

                                Prepared potato bags, but now I realise I never put the potatoes into it...

                                Speed some peas, as my three year old was showing an interest. Hopefully he�ll remember and still be interested when they germinate.

                                Not a lot else. Bit of a damp weekend here.


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