Over the plots today putting socks on my fence posts, and securing things down
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What I did today - 2019
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Took my stainless steel drum from a dismatled tumbled drier to the plot - half filled with a mix of old compost, wood chippings and soil. In a couple of months it will be a 'feature'. Mate of mine at the plot said - "So you've dropped a stainless steel drum - almost like something from out of space - onto your plot - which looks like the Somme."
Takes a lot to dishearten me but he nearly managed itsigpic
1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.
Time to get moving again so I sowed some Sweet Pea seeds in greenhouse..
Also sowed some carrots, spring onions and lettuce in the greenhouse..
Potted on some chilli plants and have seed potatoes chatting..
It is a start..😁I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....
...utterly nutterly
Whilst I say chatting, it was more whispering really.. sounded like "wonder when he's going to put us on the window"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....
...utterly nutterly
I pondered going to fetch more horse manure, but it's drizzling outside - you know, the fine, really soaking type of drizzling that's impossible to go out in when you got glasses, as you won't see a thing.
Instead I've stayed in, potted on more tomatoes, kale (my god, I will eat a lot of kale this year!) and cabbages that have germinated nicely... and sowed some flower seeds, more cabbage, salad leaves, lambs lettuce. I'm also making a bird feeder out of an empty hanging basket that I will take up to the allotment.
It was chucking it down this morning, so did some domestic paperwork. Went up to the plot for a few hours this afternoon. Ground was still wet so not much I could do, but I did shift a dozen barrow loads of rotted woodchip and weed roots off the car park, in between chatting to fellow plot holders ;-)
Shifted more soil from driveway to garden. Maybe a tonne and a half left? It�ll be done by March.
Prepared potato bags, but now I realise I never put the potatoes into it...
Speed some peas, as my three year old was showing an interest. Hopefully he�ll remember and still be interested when they germinate.
Not a lot else. Bit of a damp weekend here.
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