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What I did today - 2019


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  • Ordered a dozen lavender starter plants - and some prostrate rosemary from VC�s new favourite supplier.
    Thank you VC for sharing!!!
    Then moved two dozen wheelbarrow loads of cow sh*t!.
    Not as fragrant as the lavender I�m expecting!!!


    • Planted out 90 beetroot seedlings, bought some more pea seeds - poor germination on first batch, ordered some more butterfly netting to deal with the gap in the brassica cage, and watered all the new seedlings and raspberry canes


      • Originally posted by farendwoman View Post
        Ordered a dozen lavender starter plants - and some prostrate rosemary from VC’s new favourite supplier.
        Thank you VC for sharing!!!
        Then moved two dozen wheelbarrow loads of cow sh*t!.
        Not as fragrant as the lavender I’m expecting!!!
        Is that Rosemary Haifa? I bought 6 of those


        • So today I weeded, potted on some chillies ordered some flower plug plants (I still haven’t sown my flower
          seeds so can’t leave my pots bare) planted some squash out ready to start climbing up an a fame covered up chicken wire and watered the green house
          Aww nice to see those chickens! I want some but too much else to do at the moment maybe next year!


          • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
            Is that Rosemary Haifa? I bought 6 of those
            Yep - Rosemary Haifa ...
            Very pleased to get this..... jekka is selling this in a one litre pot for �6.50 .......
            Ours will soon catch up, and I�m in no hurry.
            Thanks again VC !


            • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
              Planted 2 mystery chillies in inverted pop bottles.
              Planted out 23 broadbeans, 35 runner beans, 12 dwarf French beans, 3 mangetout ( very poor germination), 13 sugarsnap peas, 5 squash, 3 pumpkin, 4 courgette and 8 more sunflowers.
              Direct sown more peas.
              Is this a technique I should know about pumpkin???
              Chillies in inverted pop bottles???


              • Busy day today .... potted on sunflowers, Ammi, clary and achillea.
                Had to repot some salvia seascape plugs.
                Don’t know what compost I originally put them in ... but they had started to go yellow and look very sick.
                When I tipped them out the plug roots had not moved at all. The poor little plants hadn’t wanted to venture into the new crappy compost.
                Also dug out a congested bed of calla lilies to put elsewhere and planted out some French beans and runner beans.
                Yay ....I’ve been upgraded to a Rooter!!!


                • Did some more ground clearing on my new allotment. Very slow progress, as it's full of perennial weeds and the soil is fairly heavy clay.
                  I've managed to clear about 10 square metres now, though, and in addition to the onion sets, beetroot and burdock I had already planted, today I sowed a row of swede and two rows of mangetout I pre-germinated at home.


                  • I have enjoyed my first day as a new chicken keeper. One of those girls is definitely a troublemaker. They didn’t go to bed until quite long after dark. I was chasing round them in my pyjamas in the pitch darkness. Am I only person who has got insomniac chickens?

                    In addition they are completely ignoring the layers pellets too busy pecking at the grass. I am hoping today they discover that these pellets are edible.


                    • I am continuing to have a lot of fun with my rotating composter. I’m getting temperatures around 50� which should produce good compost.

                      Otherwise I am pointing out tomatoes cucumbers and transplanting onions and leeks. I have put two large cloches over an area that I sheet composted all winter and I’m going to Plant pumpkins and zucchini and pattypan squash therefore
                      Last edited by muck lover; 14-05-2019, 09:14 AM. Reason: Typo


                      • Cleared around the old raised beds, which involved collecting a lot of nettle stings, trimming the hawthorn hedge and general clearing and tidying. Weeded the raised beds and set up a tub of nettle tea. Mulched awkward, weedy gaps with newspaper.

                        Planted out a sunflower and 11 sweet peas. Acquired 4 cabbages and 3 strawberries from a neighbour, potted up the cabbages.

                        Mowed all the paths and weedy non-cultivated bits. Sundry watering.

                        At home, lengthy, confusing shuffling of toms, chillies, squashes, flowers etc. But as of tonight, it's all going outside day and night, albeit with the tenders closed in the growhouse overnight.

                        This weekend I will be cleaning my windowsills!

                        Very happy with how things are. Hard work paying off.


                        • Planted marigolds in my GH border, some lettuce in the garden and into troughs. Then sown my beans think I'm up to date.
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • Went out for a walk this morning, sowed some nasturtiums and thinned out my oriental veg


                            • Trawling the internet to find a cloche big (or small enough) to fit my raised bed, without much success


                              • Originally posted by carolefu View Post
                                Trawling the internet to find a cloche big (or small enough) to fit my raised bed, without much success
                                How big are you looking for - cant you make one?

                                New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle

                                �I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."
                                ― Thomas A. Edison

                                �Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
                                ― Thomas A. Edison

                                - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


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