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Tomato Photo Gallery and Info


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  • #46
    Father Frost

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	2384852 Click image for larger version

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ID:	2384853

    First time growing this potato-leaved, semi-bush tomato. I had the seeds from a seed swap but there are a few companies selling it.

    This potato-leaved semi-bush variety, of Eastern European origin (Ded Moroz) is renowned for its tolerance to the cold and is one of the earliest fruiting outdoor tomatoes, the fruit ranging in size from 2-3 oz on a plant which is surprisingly heavy cropping for such an early variety. (Semi-Bush)".

    Small orange speckles on a bright red background. Reminds me of the taste of Gardener's Delight which is one of my must grows.
    I'll be growing Father Frost again. Its been in solitary in its own little GH so that I can save seeds for the Tomato Circle 2019.

    Decent sized tomatoes and a lot of fruit for a small plant.
    I like it


    • #47
      Originally posted by Vegi potager View Post
      See, I knew there was a reason I shouldn't like you lot, (not really )
      But now I have a major problem from reading all this.
      I am already growing 10 types of toms, and even if I keep the 5 I really like I only really have room for 3 of the above suggestions. Otherwise bed and rotation plans are out the window. And that is just with tomatoes! (next will be, cucumbers, courgettes and collards...)
      However much space you've got, there's never enough for all the different sorts of tomatoes you want to try. I'm "only" growing 35 different cultivars this year and even then I missed out some of the ones I like. Growing to keep the seed fresh, growing the ones you like and trying new ones soon makes you run out of space. Then there's the question of what to do with all the fruit, there's only so much space in the freezer.


      • #48
        Jaune Flamme

        Regular leaf indeterminate producing ping pong ball sized intense orange fruit. Growing very well even in the shadier corner of the greenhouse, producing 10-12 fruit per truss. Very tangy with an orangey aftertaste. Excellent with a tiny tiny bit of salt on. Will pick when very ripe to see if they get any sweeter.
        Attached Files


        • #49
          I've had a few tomatoes from outdoor girl and gardeners delight outside but this is the first of my indoor tomatoes, Kenilworth King George.
          The fruit closest was eaten about 5 secs later, very nice
          Will aim to save some seeds for the seed swap.

          Click image for larger version

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ID:	2384878


          • #50
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ID:	2384880
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ID:	2384881
            First tomato of the year
            Violet Jasper- flesh quite dry and thick skinned flavour on the tart side I�ll give it marks out of ten once I�ve had a few more homegrown tomatoes otherwise I may mark it far to highly


            • #51
              Olena Ukrainian

              Potato leaf indeterminate. Grown outside, the cracking is probably due to all the rain we've had here recently. Fruits weigh ~150g and they have a good balance of sweet and tangy with a nice juicy texture. They're supposed to get closer to 1lb but the weather hasn't been too good for outdoor tomatoes this year and the pot has fallen over a few times after getting battered by the wind.
              Attached Files


              • #52

                Regular leaf indeterminate producing medium sized, red tomatoes with 6-8 fruit per truss. Good balance of sweet and tangy, not as rich as others but it's the plant is outside and the flavour may have been diluted by the heavy rains. Will probably grow this in the greenhouse next year as it is a good producer and the flavour is more than good enough.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by toomanytommytoes; 06-08-2019, 01:18 PM.


                • #53
                  Orange banana

                  Another one of my favourites!

                  Easy to grow, always has huge crops but can have some blossom end rot if grown in pots and let to dry out.
                  Click image for larger version

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ID:	2384939


                  • #54
                    Summer Cider

                    Might have been done already but worth a re-run
                    Attached Files
                    I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                    ...utterly nutterly


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Tripmeup View Post
                      Might have been done already but worth a re-run
                      Some of the older threads with good info have lost their photos - it's good to see what everyone is growing and I love s photo!!

                      #....and I've just looked back and orange banana was one of the first toms I put up!
                      Last edited by Scarlet; 10-08-2019, 09:18 AM.


                      • #56
                        Indigo cherry drops

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ID:	2384947
                        A lovely thin skinned purple cherry tomato flesh juicy and flavour wise I�d say it�s on the tart side

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ID:	2384948
                        How they look on the vine after ripening

                        Click image for larger version

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ID:	2384949
                        Beautiful violet colour pre ripening


                        • #57
                          Are you in the tomato circle Chrissy?


                          • #58
                            Yes I am Scarlet! Ive bagged some to save!


                            • #59
                              Yay!! Thank you


                              • #60
                                Some of the tomatoes look amazing, particularly the Indigo Cherry Drops. I am just boring, sticking mostly with the tried and tested.

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ID:	2384950
                                Oh so sweet and so good to eat straight from the vine.

                                Crimson Crush
                                Click image for larger version

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ID:	2384951
                                I just love the taste of these and they are nice cooked too.

                                I just love tomatoes, here is my current stash. A mixture of Sungold, Gardener's Delight and Crimson Crush
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	20190811_132200.jpg
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Size:	67.1 KB
ID:	2384952.

                                Maybe I can bear to give a few away now.


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