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toomanytommytoes, annie8, SP & 4shoes mystery chilli growing


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  • Originally posted by toomanytommytoes View Post
    ...and the suspected Goat's Weed...
    Cool we can compare notes !
    Here's my suspected goat's weed. This isn't from the mystery seeds. This was sold ( not to me ) as a white bhut jolokia. It definitely isn't that.

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    • Wow, thick stems on that one! The pods on yours seem to hang downwards. Mine's only got 1 pod on, but it's pointing upwards. Photos I find via Google are a mixture of upwards and downwards. Mitzi has grown it before, I recall?


      • No, I haven't ever grown it.


        • Yeah on the Google search most of the pods stick upwards. So I'm still not convinced mine is a goat, but it's definitely hairy enough to be one. As ever chillies confuse me! We'll have to wait to see what colour pods we have.


          • Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
            No, I haven't ever grown it.
            I'll save you some seeds if it is one.


            • As I've been spending a bit of time with my mystery chillies recently. I've started to notice lots of similarities between plants. I think I've only got about 10 different varieties ( I'm being quiet generous with that estimations! ) in my 67 plants. I'm pretty much convinced I haven't got any super hots amongst them.
              Hoping to be proven wrong.


              • I don’t know enough about chillis to spot a lot of difference apart from the obvious things like leaf shape. What features would super hot chillis have that you’re not seeing ?


                • At this time of the plants growth. Biggish leaves, quite compact growing habit.


                  • Mine all look a bit different. One is hairy, pod pointing up. One is hairless, pod pointing up and another hairless, pod pointing down. One has a fat, stubby pod. One is larger and more bushy than the others, and the leaves have a purple midrib. Tidgy one is quite bushy for its small stature, no flowers on that one yet.


                    • Here's another candidate for your hairy chilli.
                      All this info has been taken from the interweb. When I first started researching what could potentially be in the mix.

                      Capsicum Galapagoense

                      Distribution in the wild is reputedly restricted to the islands of Isabela and Santa Cruz in the Galapagos archipelago. Cultivation is generally considered difficult as the areas the species comes from receives very litle rainfall but plentiful mists. It is likely that the plants trap water on their markedly pubescent leaves and stems and rely on this rather than ground water accessed by their roots.
                      Capsicum galapagoense is related to C. annuum and C. chacoense.
                      Seed of C. galapagoense rather slow to germinate at 16 days, but not as slow as some of the other wild chilli species. The slender plants are strongly pubescent and bear tiny white flowers followed by dark green chillies ripening to red. Contrary to reports elsewhere on the internet, the foliage of this accession was not fragrant and flowers were produced relatively freely. Clearly there are different strains in cultivation, which is encouraging for the future.
                      Capsicum galapagoense is too obscure to have any history of culinary use. The tiny chillies contain two relatively large seeds and not much else. The ripe chillies are not as hot as expected and have a sour taste; the initial burn at the back of the mouth fades fairly quickly leaving a gentle tingle on the lips

                      Image to follow, me and iPad having a bit of a scrap at moment, and the ****** thing's winning!


                      • Here's a photo again from the interweb


                        • Did suspect galapowotsit but the pod is longer and more pointy than those. All (6 ) of mine are in their final pots now.


                          • My first couple of plants with pods on. I'm thinking jalape�o or something similar. What do you think?

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                            • Looks like jalape�o to me.


                              • Did a quick check of my chillis. Have about
                                10 decent sized some with buds
                                16 medium sized and healthy
                                11 small in size but healthy
                                8 small and a bit sickly -could be heading for the compost bin

                                A few are lemon drops but the rest are all from the mixed chilli seeds.


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