Now we are getting to the point where we might be able to identify (?) what the chillis are, what is the best guide do you think ?
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toomanytommytoes, annie8, SP & 4shoes mystery chilli growing
Originally posted by annie8 View PostNow we are getting to the point where we might be able to identify (?) what the chillis are, what is the best guide do you think ?
I think I'm going to leave the pods on the plant until ripe and just hope they are identifiable. It's going to be very difficult because so many chillies look very very similar.
I'm just hoping I get some very obvious ones or some really unusual ones that will be easy to put a name to. A lot of it may come down to tasting as well, but that can change a little depending on how they've been grow.
Basically we are standing in the middle of a mine field and we are all doomed
Originally posted by annie8 View PostAm not going to worry if I don�t work what things are from that massive list.
Originally posted by toomanytommytoes View PostThe little round pod on one of mine is already ripening! Looking at my folder of Capsicum annuum photos, it's perhaps not big enough to be a Cascabel or heart shaped like a Cherry Bomb, so I am leaning towards Dalle Khursani or Satan's Kiss.) the first pods they produce are at times not true to form.
I think we need to see pictures of ripening pods. We like chilli pictures.
Last edited by Small pumpkin; 30-05-2019, 08:15 AM.
Originally posted by Mitzi View Post#2 - could this be one of the hairy jalapenos?
I've just been out and taken a couple of pictures of mine so you can compare.
Close up of the hairy beast
None of my mystery plants are that hairy, unfortunately.
Some of the more interesting chillis from the mixed seeds.
From the top -
I like the one with the really big leaves
The one beside grew from the dust in the packet so must have come from a really small seed
The next was the only one with purple leaves. You can still see that a bit and the new leaves have a slight purple edge
The three small ones have different shaped leaves, quite rounded.
The last has some buds growing down that I just noticed today.Last edited by annie8; 30-05-2019, 10:15 PM.
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