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toomanytommytoes, annie8, SP & 4shoes mystery chilli growing


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  • #16
    Seeds are sown .

    Click image for larger version

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Views:	1
Size:	74.4 KB
ID:	2382092

    Ok so in my head it's going to work like this.
    Every cell has 1 to 6 seeds in it. Every cell has the same number of labels to seeds. So I know how many and which seeds.
    Every label has numbers and letters on it. The numbers obviously 1 to 175
    The letters are
    R = rocoto (of some variety)
    B= big size seeds
    M= medium sized seeds
    S= small size seeds
    T= tiny seeds
    BD= big dark seeds
    SD= small dark seeds
    Really not overly complicated to this point is it
    I'm guessing the dark seeds are just slightly over dried. Some of my cayenne seeds did that.

    Now we wait


    • #17
      I'm impressed! It makes my random seed numbering systems seem so simple.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
        Seeds are sown .


        Ok so in my head it's going to work like this.
        Every cell has 1 to 6 seeds in it. Every cell has the same number of labels to seeds. So I know how many and which seeds.
        Every label has numbers and letters on it. The numbers obviously 1 to 175
        The letters are
        R = rocoto (of some variety)
        B= big size seeds
        M= medium sized seeds
        S= small size seeds
        T= tiny seeds
        BD= big dark seeds
        SD= small dark seeds
        Really not overly complicated to this point is it
        I'm guessing the dark seeds are just slightly over dried. Some of my cayenne seeds did that.

        Now we wait
        This is amazing I�m following this thread to see what you all end up with!! I�d join in but I think the jump from 4 to 20 varieties this year will be enough of a challenge!
        175 wow where are you going to put them all? That�ll be a lot of chilli powder


        • #19
          I will be sorting my 175 into two groups, rocoto and everything else


          • #20
            Originally posted by Chrissyteacup View Post
            175 wow where are you going to put them all?
            Still working on that!

            But they are definitely not going in the chilli tunnel with my babies.


            • #21
              From :

              The smallest seeds are those of the wild growing chilies. Seeds of the variety capsicum rhomboideum, capsicum lanceolatum and some of the Thai chilies of the variety capsicum frutescens are so small that they rarely grow over one millimeter.


              • #22
                That's very interesting and helpful.
                I've started compiling information and pictures next to the list of name of chillies that could be in the mix.
                Some of them I think we have very little chance of identifying with 100% guarantee of being right. Some are so similar.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                  Seeds are sown .


                  Ok so in my head it's going to work like this.
                  Every cell has 1 to 6 seeds in it. Every cell has the same number of labels to seeds. So I know how many and which seeds.
                  Every label has numbers and letters on it. The numbers obviously 1 to 175
                  The letters are
                  R = rocoto (of some variety)
                  B= big size seeds
                  M= medium sized seeds
                  S= small size seeds
                  T= tiny seeds
                  BD= big dark seeds
                  SD= small dark seeds
                  Really not overly complicated to this point is it
                  I'm guessing the dark seeds are just slightly over dried. Some of my cayenne seeds did that.

                  Now we wait
                  Going to keep it simple this year. Last year, 2 seeds per pot and had a & b's, some seeds didn't germinate, so ended up with missing numbers and b's.

                  This year doing a straight 1 to � as they germinate. with germination date


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by 4Shoes View Post
                    Going to keep it simple this year. Last year, 2 seeds per pot and had a & b's, some seeds didn't germinate, so ended up with missing numbers and b's.

                    This year doing a straight 1 to � as they germinate. with germination date
                    How many? .


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                      How many? .
                      That is the big question. I'm thinking smaller pots to get more in and bagging straight away so that I should have any seeds for anything I like. Need to look at the layout again. Need to sort out/get in enough Peppers and Tomatoes 1st. Might end up with a lean-to.

                      Question will be lean-to what.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                        Ok seeds are sorted.


                        And a code devised so I know which seeds have germinated.

                        Toomanytommytoes you weren't joking when you said there's some tiny seeds ! Never seen such tiny chilli seeds looking forward to seeing what they turn into.
                        336 seeds delivered today after having sorted the seeds from the chaff. Fairly sure the chaff is just chilli flakes and perhaps a few seed husks. However, just to be sure may pop them all into a pot and see if there were any very small seeds there

                        I don't have any black seeds, so assume no rocoto. The other seeds are very much like the selection SP has shown.

                        There are 2 pools of orange/red /brown ish seed similar to those bottom centre and Right (colour and size) in SP picture. These were easy to pick out.

                        Next pass is likely to be by colour and then perhaps size.


                        • #27
                          4Shoes - I've added your name to the Thread title since you're joining in in a big way!!


                          • #28
                            I sowed 10...couple of 'suspected rocotos' and a mix of small/medium/big. Didn't make a note of which is which apart from the rocotos.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                              4Shoes - I've added your name to the Thread title since you're joining in in a big way!!
                              Thanks VC, � but it is an SP Thread

                              SP - How would you feel about posting the link to variety list (Extracted by toomanytommytoes - TMTT? ) at the top of this topic


                              Just to make it easier to find our base line .

                              Since the selection pack was 1st mentioned (on this forum), is has changed by : -


                              Large Red Rocoto
                              Pineapple Aji aka Aji Pineapple

                              - renamed Chocolate 7 pot to 7 pot Chocolate

                              and removed
                              Cusco Rocoto
                              Numex Sandia

                              from the mix

                              of course nothing to say the list is not correct, but gives us all a starting point.


                              • #30
                                SP will soon tell me if I'm in the wrong - or doesn't want you to join in.


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