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toomanytommytoes, annie8, SP & 4shoes mystery chilli growing


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  • #46
    Sown 45 of the seeds (Cols 1 to 6), with a few Chocolate Habanero and Red Scotch Bonnet.

    Cols 7 & 8 are a few Enjoya, Nokturn and Bell Sweet Peppers.

    They are on propagator and covered with vermiculite. As they germinate I can lift the mini plug out of the tray and pot up.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	2382128


    • #47
      Originally posted by 4Shoes View Post
      They are on propagator and covered with vermiculite. As they germinate I can lift the mini plug out of the tray and pot up.
      Seems like a good way to do it. Are those homemade soil blocks?

      I've got 1 mystery seed up to far.
      Last edited by toomanytommytoes; 28-01-2019, 01:35 PM.


      • #48
        Got impatient and had a bit of a dig down. Looks like 4 more are looping and the others getting ready to put out their radicle. 'Rocotos' are so far no-show-tos


        • #49
          Total so far 38 germinated.
          2- tiny
          1- small
          12- medium
          20- big
          2- small dark
          ( looks like I missed ticking one off my list , never mind it's got a label, I'll work it out eventually)


          • #50
            I've made an executive decision mystery chillies now have a cut off date in the propagator. What ever hasn't germinated by the 10th Feb is compost. They will of had 21 days by then. I'm guessing on the whole with fresh seed most thing should be up.
            I know some can take much longer and be very temperamental. But I'll need my propagator back to get on with germinating my important chilli seeds ( the ones I know what they are. )


            • #51
              I'm thinking of whacking any that don't germinate into a yoghurt pot of seed mix with a ziploc over the top and sit it on a radiator.


              • #52
                Originally posted by toomanytommytoes View Post
                Seems like a good way to do it. Are those homemade soil blocks?

                I've got 1 mystery seed up to far.
                Yes. Still experimenting. I also have it's big brother. Idea is to pop these into same size hole in a bigger block (space will be a premium) until I can get some hardier veg into polytunnel / Garden. I already tried onions, but didn't cover with enough soil to keep the seed roots down.

                None germinated - Expect emergence 1/2/19 (going by SP & TMTT experience)
                Last edited by 4Shoes; 30-01-2019, 08:56 PM.


                • #53
                  Am trying to pick through the chilli seeds. Have what looks like dust left but assuming from previous post that might include some of the tiny chillis. How did you pick those out? Am trying with tweezers, a head torch and my sons magnifying glass but getting tricky and a few have just pinged off the paper. Any advice ? Was thinking I might just put what’s left in a pot and see what comes up.
                  Last edited by annie8; 02-02-2019, 05:53 PM.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by annie8 View Post
                    Am trying to pick through the chilli seeds. Have what looks like dust left but assuming from previous post that might include some of the tiny chillis. How did you pick those out? Am trying with tweezers, a head torch and my sons magnifying glass but getting tricky and a few have just pinged off the paper. Any advice ? Was thinking I might just put what’s left in a pot and see what comes up.
                    Just pot the lot up, see what happens. I chucked some bits of what I thought was dust and broken seeds in and I've had one come up.


                    • #55
                      Saw that the website we got the seeds from that they suggest germinating by the moist kitchen towel in a plastic tub method on the radiator. Am debating whether to try a few that way and the rest in seed compost and vemiculite since i don't have a propagator. My husband made me a long tray that can sit on top of the radiator, so can put them in that. Think all you guys have propagators don't you?


                      • #56
                        As you've got a couple of seeds, I'd try both ways. I've got a propagator, a cheap one. No heat control, the middle gets hottest, the edges seem to stay wet ( possibly to wet )with condensation from the lid. It's quite a juggling act. One day I might get an all singing all dancing one, but for now my little cheap one does the job.


                        • #57
                          So I have gone for it. Sowed more than 100 in compost and sprinkled some more in a tray with moist kitchen towel. I also planted some of the Lemon drop seeds so at least I’ll know what they are if they grow. God knows what I’ll do if lots of them germinate. Kept some notes of what I was sowing although sure how much help it will be in identifying them. The majority were medium sized and yellow. Not that many dark ones but I sowed all of them. If anyone wants any seeds I’d be happy to post them. They are all now on top of the radiator.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by 4Shoes View Post
                            Yes. Still experimenting. I also have it's big brother. Idea is to pop these into same size hole in a bigger block (space will be a premium) until I can get some hardier veg into polytunnel / Garden. I already tried onions, but didn't cover with enough soil to keep the seed roots down.

                            None germinated - Expect emergence 1/2/19 (going by SP & TMTT experience)
                            1st couple Germinated yesterday 2/2/19.

                            A few just at that looking out stage.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by annie8 View Post
                              Am trying to pick through the chilli seeds. Have what looks like dust left but assuming from previous post that might include some of the tiny chillis. How did you pick those out? Am trying with tweezers, a head torch and my sons magnifying glass but getting tricky and a few have just pinged off the paper. Any advice ? Was thinking I might just put what�s left in a pot and see what comes up.
                              Best method I've found is a small skewer. Dip point in water and then on the seed. Put seed where it is needed and touch compost. Job done.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by annie8 View Post
                                So I have gone for it. Sowed more than 100 in compost and sprinkled some more in a tray with moist kitchen towel. I also planted some of the Lemon drop seeds so at least I�ll know what they are if they grow. God knows what I�ll do if lots of them germinate.
                                I'm not the only crazy person

                                I look forward too updates.


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