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toomanytommytoes, annie8, SP & 4shoes mystery chilli growing
Originally posted by toomanytommytoes View PostInteresting! Something yellow/orange? I'm not sure what that could be.
Spike isn't on the list. Could be Rooster Spur?
It�s not rooster spur, I�ve grown spike & rooster spur before. Grew them next to each other. Never (knowingly!) growing either again. Nice hot chilli, produce loads of pods on fairly compact plants, but............. the biggest pain in the butt to harvest ever!
Same growing habit. Very bushy with masses of pods but rooster is more stumpy, less pointy and slightly fatter.
I moved another 5 plants into my 1st tunnel yesterday. I was really surprised at how big some of them have got
Originally posted by toomanytommytoes View PostThere's only a couple of orange Annuums in the mix and none of them are that shape or that big. There are some sweet peppers that turn orange at some point during ripening, but they all start off waxy yellow and not green. Another true mystery?.
We�re getting some very interesting pods because of it.
Originally posted by annie8 View Post[ATTACH=CONFIG]88251[/ATTACH]
At last I have some sign of ripening. I swear it was green the other day but one of the chillis on the plant with purple flowers has suddenly darkened. Very excited.
Originally posted by Scarlet View PostThat looks like royal black
Annie just remembered to find out what colour Zimbabwe Black turn, they�re red when ripe. We�ll see what happensLast edited by Small pumpkin; 06-08-2019, 07:37 AM.
Definitely. Doing a quick search on it some of the pictures have it with purple leaves and others green. Mine has purple on the stem and the first leaves were purple but the rest increasingly green with a purple tinge around the edge. Maybe the level of purple varies a bit. Certainly the shape of the chilli - conical with a tapered end fits with mine. They are also pretty small maybe 3-4 cm. Will see if it goes red.
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