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toomanytommytoes, annie8, SP & 4shoes mystery chilli growing


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  • Are you cultivating nettles in your polytunnel, SP?


    • Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
      Are you cultivating nettles in your polytunnel, SP?
      Bu@@er, no one was suppose to spot them!
      I can’t reach to pull them out. They’re behind my carrot bath. I keep decapitating them.


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        No sign of change yet on the dark purple chill. Not sure when I�ll know if that�s how it�s going to stay that way.

        A few pictures. Have three yellow chillis. Wonder if they will stay that colour. All the yellow ones I looked at on the list have fruit that hangs down rather than growing up the way.

        Also finally one that is going red at last. Not sure what that is either.


        • I�ve got a few of those yellow chillies as well, I�m guessing they�ll turn red, they look very similar to basket of fire & numex twilight. It�s not either of those though.
          Let us know what you�re red one tastes like when you sample it


          • Originally posted by annie8 View Post
            No sign of change yet on the dark purple chill. Not sure when I’ll know if that’s how it’s going to stay that way.

            A few pictures. Have three yellow chillis. Wonder if they will stay that colour. All the yellow ones I looked at on the list have fruit that hangs down rather than growing up the way.
            I suspect your dark purple one will turn red; I'd give it at least a month before deciding it's not going to.

            I also suspect that the three yellow (pale green?) ones in the pictures will also turn red or proper yellow or some other colour. They just look totally unripe in the pictures.


            • A month then. Thanks for that I’d no idea how to tell when they had ripened and reached their final colour. This is a fascinating process am going to do it again next year although think I might do less.


              • Some chillies turn colour very quickly after reaching their final size but others take weeks or even months, in the case of some rocotos, baccatums etc. If you want to be absolutely sure, you could even wait until the pods start to go soft (or dry in the case of some thin-walled types.) For example, the Aji Strawberry Drop that SP sent me in the seedling swap had already set some pods by the time it went into its final pot on 26th May. Those pods have not ripened yet. I'm getting fed up of waiting! It hasn't set any more pods since going out, either, so it must not like outdoor conditions here. And if it does set any pods now, there isn't time for them to ripen before frost hits. Frustrating! (Needless to say, unless the flavour is absolutely to die for, I won't be growing it again.)
                Last edited by Mitzi; 16-08-2019, 01:23 PM.


                • Originally posted by Mitzi View Post
                  Some chillies turn colour very quickly after reaching their final size but others take weeks or even months, in the case of some rocotos, baccatums etc. If you want to be absolutely sure, you could even wait until the pods start to go soft (or dry in the case of some thin-walled types.) For example, the Aji Strawberry Drop that SP sent me in the seedling swap had already set some pods by the time it went into its final pot on 26th May. Those pods have not ripened yet. I'm getting fed up of waiting! It hasn't set any more pods since going out, either, so it must not like outdoor conditions here. And if it does set any pods now, there isn't time for them to ripen before frost hits. Frustrating! (Needless to say, unless the flavour is absolutely to die for, I won't be growing it again.)
                  Mine hasn’t ripened yet either Mitzi. They do take an age. I hadn’t really noticed before but the strawberry, lemon & pineapple are all still green. My strawberry is loaded with pods though, it seems happy enough. Just slow. as are lots of the mystery chillies.


                  • Look at how scarlet it has turned. Might leave another few days but reckon it might be ripe. Not expecting it to have much heat given the size of the fruit. It was green for a good month and a half not growing just sitting. So pleased to see it finally doing something. Also seeing signs of this other one ripening. It’s an interesting berry shape.
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by annie8; 16-08-2019, 08:48 PM.


                    • Been moving chillies around again today.

                      What do we think this is? It�s the darkest green pod, it�s nothing like any I�m growing in the chilli tunnel.

                      I like it, it�s producing very well. I�ve got 2 of these.

                      Click image for larger version

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                      Then there�s this ? (probably another sweet pepper )

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                      They�re both annuum


                      • #1 Semorah/Ohnivec? Good yielder, whatever it is!

                        The shishito-padron-or-just-another-hybrid- I am saving seed from is turning yellow. Do Padrons go yellow first or straight from green to red?
                        Last edited by toomanytommytoes; 19-08-2019, 07:08 PM.


                        • Originally posted by toomanytommytoes View Post
                          #1 Semorah/Ohnivec? Good yielder, whatever it is!

                          The shishito-padron-or-just-another-hybrid- I am saving seed from is turning yellow. Do Padrons go yellow first or straight from green to red?
                          Padron don’t go yellow first. It’s another freak.


                          • Don�t have anything that looks like the second one. Closest I have to the first one is this. The fruit are a darker green than my other plants.

                            Click image for larger version

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                            • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                              Look colour

                              [ATTACH=CONFIG]88214[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]88215[/ATTACH]

                              This one looks like spike. Can�t remember if spike is on the list though.

                              Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                              Just tried these two. Both basically sweet peppers. With a very small amount of heat at the top (seed) end. The yellow one was a very nice flavour.
                              Wow was I wrong! The red one is not a sweet pepper. Picked the second one off the plant and it was ****ing hot! Especially when I was expecting a sweet pepper!
                              So a little research is needed, see if I can�t put a name to this......thing


                              • My not-padron-maybe-shishito thing that's turning yellow is probably not a Shishito either. Fried a couple of green ones up with some Padrons, bit into the end and immediately got a whiff of that soapy hotness, then my mouth was on fire! Didn't even get up to the seeds.


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