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toomanytommytoes, annie8, SP & 4shoes mystery chilli growing


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  • Here�s the culprit. Mr 1st pod no heat, 2nd pod nearly takes your head off!
    Any thoughts? I�ve been through the list and can�t find anything like it.

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    I�m impressed with this one as well, it�s only grown 3 pods but they are big. As he�s only in a 3lt pot I think he�s done ok. My attempt to save seeds was a massive failure. That has been the case with a lot of my chillies this year, especially the mystery ones.

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    My only mystery chilli to be up graded to the chilli tunnel has a ripe pod. Which obviously has now confused me. I was fairly convinced it was a yellow mushroom. But it�s ripened to red. There is a red mushroom but it�s not on the list. I have another 3 chances of getting a yellow mushroom as I have another 3 plants looking very similar.

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    • I don't know what any of them are but it's fascinating!


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        So I tried the first ripe chillis today from the plants I put the pictures up from the other day. One on the left was hotter than the round berry one. My husband and I are going to do a 1-10 scale for heat. So the one the left got a 4.5 and the berry one about 3. Mind you that was without seeds. The plant that produced the left one has other fruit growing that are much bigger so might be less heat in them(?) we shall see.
        Last edited by annie8; 23-08-2019, 09:21 PM.


        • If it�s like the red one I had, bigger will be hotter


          • Oh wow will warn my son. He tried the hotter one and cried. He’s not a fan of spicy.


            • Originally posted by toomanytommytoes View Post
              My not-padron-maybe-shishito thing that's turning yellow is probably not a Shishito either. Fried a couple of green ones up with some Padrons, bit into the end and immediately got a whiff of that soapy hotness, then my mouth was on fire! Didn't even get up to the seeds.
              Now thinking this one might be a Monkey Face.


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                Fab names these chillis have. I�ve got some new weird ones growing. They ones on this plant look like they�ve been rolled flat.


                • Think black might be the final colour for my black chillis. The one that went black first fell off today and is a bit wrinkled looking. No sign of it or any others turning red. Tried it and it had reasonable heat. More bitter than fruity like a green pepper taste.


                  • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post

                    My only mystery chilli to be up graded to the chilli tunnel has a ripe pod. Which obviously has now confused me. I was fairly convinced it was a yellow mushroom. But it�s ripened to red. There is a red mushroom but it�s not on the list. I have another 3 chances of getting a yellow mushroom as I have another 3 plants looking very similar.

                    Guess what. This fella was sweet ! The question is will the second one be? As I�ve been caught out by the mystery chillies once already I�m not going to assume

                    I�m now 99.9% convinced no isolation was used in the production of these seeds and any true varieties we have is merely by luck. But it�s been great fun and I�ve learned lots about chillies. Don�t think I�m going to keep seeds from any I�ve isolated. Even the ones that look true to my amateur eye , may not be. I think I�ll pass.


                    • Yes, same. Still saving seed but doubt I'll sow them. None of them have been high yielding enough to warrant a space in the greenhouse either.

                      If the producer isn't isolating, hopefully they will learn to or I don't see chilli aficionados ordering from them more than once!


                      • Last time I looked at their website ( a while ago to be far) they had very little choice apart from the mixed collection that we’re growing.
                        I can’t complain about production. I’ve had all the plants produce a reasonable crop considering the biggest pots any of them are in is 3lt and they’ve spent most of their lives in the coolest tunnel.


                        • Here's my not-padron-nor-shishito-potentially-monkey-face. Should only be as hot as a Jalapeno but this has a vicious, stinging heat even from a tiny slice from the bottom of the pod. So...probably a cross.
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                          • Mystery chilli harvest.
                            I think the big orange ones are going to be sweet.

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                            • Take a big bite of one and report back


                              • We have been getting a few that we’ve been testing for taste and heat. It’s been quite fun. I understand the slight disappointment for chilli experts like yourselves but for us I think it’ll give us an idea what kinds of chillis we would like to grow. So far we are really liking those with a fair bit of heat but a fruity flavour. One of the Baccatum chillis has gone orange and that was pretty hot but flavoursome.


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