"Veg in One Bed" is the title of a newly published book by Huw Richards, who has a popular You tube channel and a lot of knowledge and experience packed into the head of a 20 year old young man.
I bought the book as I was wanted to know more (and it was on offer at Bo0k Pe0ple).
The book is based on how to grow veg, year round, in a bed measuring 10' by 4'.
The bed is split into 1' wide rows and it tells you what to sow each month with plenty of diagrams.
If you follow the plan, you grow 19 different vegetables during the year.
I found it easier to follow than Square Foot Gardening and its perfect for the gardener who wants to be guided month by month on which seeds to start, without too many complications.
I liked it and would recommend it to anyone who is unsure what to do next, or has limited space and wants to maximise their crops.
In fact, I liked it enough to try it myself this year - even though straight lines and being told what to do are anathema to me.
The growing year starts in March so there still time to join in.
I bought the book as I was wanted to know more (and it was on offer at Bo0k Pe0ple).

The book is based on how to grow veg, year round, in a bed measuring 10' by 4'.
The bed is split into 1' wide rows and it tells you what to sow each month with plenty of diagrams.
If you follow the plan, you grow 19 different vegetables during the year.
I found it easier to follow than Square Foot Gardening and its perfect for the gardener who wants to be guided month by month on which seeds to start, without too many complications.
I liked it and would recommend it to anyone who is unsure what to do next, or has limited space and wants to maximise their crops.
In fact, I liked it enough to try it myself this year - even though straight lines and being told what to do are anathema to me.

The growing year starts in March so there still time to join in.
