I've got a little problem. I'll be away for 9 days and during that time, I won't be able to get anyone to water my chilli and aubergine plants!
The aubergines are planted in troughs outside and so will have to rely on whatever rain there is (if any) this month. The chillis are in small pots, and I can bring them inside so the soil won't dry up so quickly in the sun anyway.
Anyone have any ideas what I can rig up indoors to water the chillis a little bit every day? They have loads of little green chillis on them and it'd be a shame if they all dried up now!
I was thinking of dipping strips of cloth into a tub of water, and drawing them to the pots. I only have 11 chilli pots so this may be feasible.
Any ideas?

Anyone have any ideas what I can rig up indoors to water the chillis a little bit every day? They have loads of little green chillis on them and it'd be a shame if they all dried up now!

Any ideas?