I am looking make the top layer of soil in my vegetable growing area more attractive layer. Nearly all of my garden is used for growing fruit and veg, so I�ve gone to quite a bit of effort to make the garden look nice as well as producing plenty food for me.
However, one element which brings down the aesthetic of the garden is the dull dark brown naked soil which is on show throughout the year. Quite a bit of soil will always be on show, for various reasons, so I was thinking a good way to improve the attractiveness is to make this soil a nice dark golden colour. I have seen this done in show gardens and it looks great.
I was wondering what people thought was the best way to achieve this sustainably. The show gardens I�ve seen have just used fresh golden peat compost.
I was thinking to just strip off the toplayer of soil in the most visible parts of my garden and replace it with a mixture I buy in. For the mixture, I was thinking of using yellow/reddish fine sand mixed in with mature straw manure. This I think would give a nice colour initially, but what would happen over time! Has anyone else tried to do something similar or has any advice for my vain pursuit 😉?
The mixture may also be too free draining for my brassicas so not sure what to do with them. They prefer a bit more clay in the mix.
However, one element which brings down the aesthetic of the garden is the dull dark brown naked soil which is on show throughout the year. Quite a bit of soil will always be on show, for various reasons, so I was thinking a good way to improve the attractiveness is to make this soil a nice dark golden colour. I have seen this done in show gardens and it looks great.
I was wondering what people thought was the best way to achieve this sustainably. The show gardens I�ve seen have just used fresh golden peat compost.
I was thinking to just strip off the toplayer of soil in the most visible parts of my garden and replace it with a mixture I buy in. For the mixture, I was thinking of using yellow/reddish fine sand mixed in with mature straw manure. This I think would give a nice colour initially, but what would happen over time! Has anyone else tried to do something similar or has any advice for my vain pursuit 😉?
The mixture may also be too free draining for my brassicas so not sure what to do with them. They prefer a bit more clay in the mix.