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First asparagus spear!


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  • #16
    Not seen a sign of anything yet - but we live in hope!


    • #17
      4! I count 4! ok they are only just showing but the are all from different crowns. Not sure that they will be ready for Sunday though. All P Purple, none of the green type showing yet but still early.
      The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


      • #18
        Nope, not made much progress in the cold nights. No Sunday brunch for me
        The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


        • #19
          I had a furtle around my recently planted Asparagus a day or 2 back and most of them look quite dead to me. I may be panicking too early but just ordered some new crowns anyway as I don't want to lose another year. I ordered my first lot of crowns way too early this year, tried keeping them in the garage before the weather was warm enough to plant and must admit they didn't look in the best of health when I planted them


          • #20
            Normally Id have been picking for 2-3 weeks by now. I weeded the bed yesterday and there was nothing showing, although I did manage to take the heads off a few spears under the surface. The crowns aren't in great shape due to asparagus beetle , but it does feel like a late start to the season.


            • #21
              Perhaps it's just the recent stretch of cold weather holding everything back?

              I think a few companies still send out crowns until late April so still time to order & plant the crowns. Mine aren't showing any signs of growth yet but I'm not worried at all. They're lovely healthy crowns and probably sending down roots.
              If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....


              • #22
                They are in full flow here, slightly annoying as have to fleece incase of frost between cuttings


                • #23
                  Mine have stalled as well, temperatures are barely making double figures here, and we've had some frosts in the last week.


                  • #24
                    not a sausage here...

                    most disappointing. How long should one leave them before giving up in disgust?
                    When planting them you have to be extra nice to their fragile roots - how easy would it be to dig one out to inspect? (with or without the likelihood of it surviving)


                    • #25
                      I just very carefully loosened the soil with fingers above each crown to take a look. I have about 50/50 of those starting very small spears and those looking 1/2 dead. I have replacements on the way but will also give the ones I replace a second chance in some pots.


                      • #26
                        We planted last year and now have a few spears sticking up. Obviously not going to pick any this year, but if we did we�d need about 100 spears for a small snack: they�re about the diameter of matchsticks. Do they get thicker as the plants get more established?


                        • #27
                          Yes, they'll send up thicker ones as the season progresses and as the roots get bigger over the years. I still get the odd spindly ones coming up.


                          • #28
                            Thanks - won�t give up on it yet then..


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