I'm one for growing stuff for free where ever I can.
OK, I'm a tighfisted yorkshireman, however, lets call it a discovery, lets see what happens. I enjoy the challenge of not knowing what will happen, and then enjoying the results.
If it works out, I'll save some seeds for another year.
EG. I have a small plum tomato that i've been growng for 5 years or more by saving seeds from the previous season.
Two weeks ago, my wife came back from the supermarket with probably one of the nicest tomatoes I ever had.
Big, juicy, firm, sweet, cruncy and succulent.
Identified as grown in Spain, Valhalla variety.
I now have about half a dozen seedlings poking through a pot, probably ready for pricking out at the weekend.
Has anyone come across this variety ?
I can't seem to find any reference to it on the web.
OK, I'm a tighfisted yorkshireman, however, lets call it a discovery, lets see what happens. I enjoy the challenge of not knowing what will happen, and then enjoying the results.
If it works out, I'll save some seeds for another year.
EG. I have a small plum tomato that i've been growng for 5 years or more by saving seeds from the previous season.
Two weeks ago, my wife came back from the supermarket with probably one of the nicest tomatoes I ever had.
Big, juicy, firm, sweet, cruncy and succulent.
Identified as grown in Spain, Valhalla variety.
I now have about half a dozen seedlings poking through a pot, probably ready for pricking out at the weekend.
Has anyone come across this variety ?
I can't seem to find any reference to it on the web.