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Tomato in GH yet?


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  • Tomato in GH yet?

    Morning All

    Anyone got their toms/cucs in the GH yet. Mine are outgrowing the windowsill and starting to look a bit disgruntled! Think I may have to turf them out soon - they don't usually go til mid May.

  • #2
    The last of mine went out to the poly-tunnel yesterday, a few cucs left in the conservatory - mostly because they are growing more slowly.


    • #3
      Mine go out in the morning & back in at night if it’s below 10 degrees. Keep an eye on the temperatures overnight to know if you can risk leaving them out there,cold can stunt their growth they don’t like it,some of my plants suffered,I left them out in the daytime but it was 8 degrees,half my plants are rubbish looking to be honest,stunted & I need to see what I’m going to do,it’s not worth risking them. I bought mine in last night but was able to leave them out there the other night.
      Location : Essex


      • #4
        I have a range of different sizes of Shirleys - the biggest, sown in January and February, live in the house. The rest are plants grown from sideshoots off the January plants, and 3 of these have gone to my friend's greenhouse as they are now too tall for the lights. There is a risk I will lose them, but there are plenty more sideshoots to pot on if I do.
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • #5
          Mine are out in the GH and have been for a few weeks. Not all are in their final pots yet.
          I'm still sowing cucumbers - only a couple of early ones are in the GH.


          • #6
            Mine are in the greenhouse full time now, they're still in seed trays, maybe 3" tall? I have fleece handy to bung over them if cold nights are forecast.
            Cucumbers are in the greenhouse during the day, and the house at night.


            • #7
              Bringing ours indoors over night whenever the temperature is under 9�C or so (the greenhouse tends to stay 1 or 2 degrees higher). Spares are under a mini-poly, further insulated with wool and bubblewrap, in the greenhouse and will stay out there. Doesn't look like we're getting consistently over 10�C at night until late May here.


              • #8
                I potted-on my seedlings from my mini g-house inside the main one about 2 weeks ago and they're on the g-house bench. Temps have fluctuated quite a lot this last week or so but they seem ok at the moment.
                I work very hard so please don't expect me to think as well!


                • #9
                  Some of mine are planted in the tomato/pepper bed and flower buds showing
                  it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                  Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                  • #10
                    Thanks peeps. Just back from the allotment after setting up poles in readiness for taking toms up at the weekend. The allotment know-all told me 'it's too early for them to be out at night'. Hope I can prove him wrong😉


                    • #11
                      Mine are out in the green house and are only just sprouting if it gets too cold I’ll gave to re sow, so keeping them crossed!


                      • #12
                        We've got overnight temps of 5 to 6c for the next few nights so my toms will becoming back into the house for a while longer.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • #13
                          Mine, in "sunny" Yorkshire are in the greenhouse. The windowsills were just not big enough. I am just crossing my fingers and keeping fleece and bubblewrap handy.


                          • #14
                            Well I'm in Hull and we have just had a storm and 20 minutes of hail! I had been going to put my babies in the GH today but luckily got side tracked. Not nice, watch out SarrissUK it may be on the way down to you!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bren In Pots View Post
                              We've got overnight temps of 5 to 6c for the next few nights so my toms will becoming back into the house for a while longer.
                              Iv'e got all mine in the greenhouse, Bren didn't realise it was going get that cold ! if they make it through the night i'll light a candle say a prayer and stick a ceramic pot over it ! atb Dal.


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