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Leggy plants


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  • Leggy plants

    Do these ever recover?

    I�ve neglected my plants in the propagator for the past two weeks. I should have taken out the mangetout earlier but I didn�t. As a consequence they crowded out the propagator. Most of my other seedlings are fine but the calabrese is bendy/winding and very thin and flopping over compared to the other seedlings.

    Everything has been taken out of the propagator and planted into larger pots.

    Just wondering if it�s worth persevering or better to start again (maybe from plant plugs from the shops)?

  • #2
    I reckon your calabrese will probably be fine - give it as much light as possible, by keeping it outside in a sunny spot but be careful the wind doesn't snap the tops off - maybe put a few sticks in the ground and wind some string round temporarily for support. When it comes time for final planting, you might want to consider putting it in a bit deeper than normal.


    • #3
      Yes, plant them deeper, it helps to stop them blowing about.


      • #4
        To update, I used ice lolly sticks to support the seedlings, put my heated propagator into storage and used overhead lights. They're growing much more strongly now.


        • #5
          Originally posted by monkeyboy View Post
          To update, I used ice lolly sticks to support the seedlings, put my heated propagator into storage and used overhead lights. They're growing much more strongly now.
          I'd just put the pots outside at this point, to be honest. Brassicas don't need any extra warmth this time of year.


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