can anyone give me help as to the best use for these please ,my wife bought me load of them yesterday and I want to use them in some way or another but after googleing them there seems to be mixed advice about there worth ! atb Dal.
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coffee grounds
This guy has loads of videos about Coffee grounds and how best to use them look at his play list
Mostly use ours for composting, they're good for getting a pile hot. In autumn they get chucked onto the raised beds and covered with a layer of compost, to act as food for the worms over winter. Also use them as a top dressing in a thin layer, too thick and they form a water repelling crust during hot weather.
Originally posted by Cadalot View PostThis guy has loads of videos about Coffee grounds and how best to use them look at his play list edited by Derbydal; 24-05-2019, 07:11 PM.
dredging up this old thread, I get coffee grounds from my local caf�. Delivered to my door!
I am not sure, but as part of a regime including a slug bell (full of slug pellets), and nematodes, they seem to have helped allow my courgettes to establish themselves for the first time in 4 + years.
I have generally added them as mulch elsewhere, but putting them in a ring round the plants seems to help deter the slugs.
further discoveries.
One of my beds is covered in enviomesh, and I had leeks in it that got nibbled to almost non-existence. I put some bought brassicas (cauli I think) in the space left, and put coffee grounds as a barrier round the outside edges of the outer plants to create a cordon.
Those brassicae that have coffee grounds all round them remain largely un-nibbled, one of the vestigial leeks that is surrounded has grown back a bit. The brassica in the middle of the cordoned area, that I did not put coffee grounds round, has been thoroughly eaten.
I don't definitely know what has been eating them (never caught anything at it). I can rule out rabbits, pigeons, deer, camel etc (I can't definitely rule out mice etc as I can't be sure the mesh is properly down). There are no signs of tunnels coming up inside the bed.
I assume it therefore has to be woodlice/slugs/snails etc, and that they have been deterred by the grounds.
They don't work homeopathically though, you need a good layer of them. depth doesn't seem to be an issue as such, and I'm surprised how they don't wash away.
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