Not trimming my outdoor plants and will only remove leaves as they yellow are get damaged etc. As I am growing indeterminate types I have left 1-2 armpits to grow 2-3 stems and the pinching out the rest. 3x the staking and tying up but hopefully twice the toms if I remember to feed more often than last year. New smart phone have programmed in a reminder to alarm and nag me to do it!
Glass house toms seem to have twice as much green and very bushy so am trying the cutting back the leaf stem to leave 4 leafs per, and have removed the lower set to actually be able to see and reach the stem for watering. Have also done the 2 stem trick on these as well.
Out door = salad toms/ cherries etc indoor= cooking toms/marzano etc
Glass house toms seem to have twice as much green and very bushy so am trying the cutting back the leaf stem to leave 4 leafs per, and have removed the lower set to actually be able to see and reach the stem for watering. Have also done the 2 stem trick on these as well.
Out door = salad toms/ cherries etc indoor= cooking toms/marzano etc