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My aubergines have slight ridges. Is that OK?


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  • My aubergines have slight ridges. Is that OK?

    My aubergines (Moneymaker IIRC) have slight ridges. Is that OK?
    They are longitudinal, that is stalk end to leaf end. Not very deep and aubergines seem OK otherwise. Am I going to poison anyone?
    I live in a part of the UK with very mild winters. Please take this into account before thinking "if he is sowing those now...."

  • #2
    Belay this question. Mrs quanglewangle ate a ridgy one and is still alive.
    I live in a part of the UK with very mild winters. Please take this into account before thinking "if he is sowing those now...."


    • #3
      I wouldn't even have thought about them poisoning anyone. If they had looked remotely like aubergines they'd have been cooked and served and I've had had my fair share. Why on earth would you have thought that they could be poisonous?? Don't give me something else to be paranoid about.


      • #4
        I didn't think they were poisonous, it was Mrs quanglewangle, but she weakened and ate it. I don't like them and don't eat them anyway - that may have added to her suspicions.
        I live in a part of the UK with very mild winters. Please take this into account before thinking "if he is sowing those now...."


        • #5
          At least you have fruit mine havn't even flowered yet
          How old are your plants?
          I live with autism spectrum disorder. Please be gentle. Sincerely Steve.


          • #6
            Steve, sown in February. This link gives more details about how they are grown: Aubergines are filling out � We are in Cornwall, which is sunny and has a mild climate.
            We ate some a couple of days ago - here is picture (the phone is included to give an idea of size)
            I live in a part of the UK with very mild winters. Please take this into account before thinking "if he is sowing those now...."


            • #7
              Dear Mr Qu. I am sincerely impressed. I choose to grow the smaller patio types pinstripe/jewel etc. and even under a poly they are only just setting the first few fruit. Plenty of flowers though. I won't start to harvest until late Aug/September. Then again I do start my seed later (first week of April this year.) The other difference must be your Cornish sunshine.
              The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


              • #8
                Mr Qu (thanks for that, VP), a homegrown aubergine eaten when recently picked is nothing like an aubergine bought in a shop. Try it, you might like it. They don't need salting, they're so tender and mild. Not bitter at all.

                And that's a beauty you've got there in the photograph. It'd be a shame not to try one.


                • #9
                  We have harvested 4 or 5 that size and have a load more that will be ready at the weekend. Yes, vegi p, I am sure its the sunshine - my reading about aubergines suggests that, although warmth is important, light level is the real growth factor.

                  Snoop: at risk of starting an on-line riot, with folks brandishing garden tools and shouting "burn the heretic!", I don't really eat much in the way of vegetables. Mrs quanglewangle is a stone-ground vegetarian so I have had the "try it, I am sure you would like it" treatment.
                  I live in a part of the UK with very mild winters. Please take this into account before thinking "if he is sowing those now...."


                  • #10
                    Lucky Mrs QW, more for her.


                    • #11
                      "Burn the heretic"!!!


                      • #12
                        FYI - here is a pic of the three aubergine plants in their 30cm pots sitting in a wet sand tray. Sorry for the slight flare on the pic - the only decent view is from outside the GH, through the not-to-clean glass. Need gloves to harvest them!

                        I live in a part of the UK with very mild winters. Please take this into account before thinking "if he is sowing those now...."


                        • #13
                          That's not "flare" - its the reflection of a burning heretic.

                          Actually, I'm quite envious and if I was nearer I'd join MrsQW in an Imam Bayildi.


                          • #14
                            ^Me too. I've got plenty growing, not quite as far along as yours Mr QW, but Imam Bayildi is a favourite here too. That and aubergine fritters. And aubergine parmigiana. That has to be my top favourite.

                            And here's a recipe that's an absolute winner if you've got guests:
                            I just use brown lentils. The topping is well worth the effort.


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