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Sooo... Has anyone else's Patty Pans ballooned recently?


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  • Sooo... Has anyone else's Patty Pans ballooned recently?

    Not sure if I can add pictures but on the weekend we are sure they were still small! Are these even good to eat this big? (We are new to veg growing this year)

    (I did accidentally leave the hose on the squash bed overnight, could this have helped?!)

    Included is one weighing in at 1kg and two that have beautifully conjoined!

    Have some pics below:

    Trug Full
    The giant

  • #2
    Wow! Very jealous!
    They are looking fantastic and all very edible.

    They do grow very quickly once they start. They�ll turn into monsters in no time if you turn your back on them for a second
    Last edited by Small pumpkin; 31-07-2019, 12:43 PM.


    • #3
      They look lovely and healthy. Can't see why they wouldn't be edible. The seeds might be quite large and the very centre a bit pulpy, but other than that, eat away.


      • #4
        I'm jealous too, they look lovely - mine just keep rotting in the middle and fall off the plant when they're still diddy ��


        • #5
          Originally posted by Angeldon View Post
          I'm jealous too, they look lovely - mine just keep rotting in the middle and fall off the plant when they're still diddy ��
          Probably Not pollinated. Do a bit of hand pollinating. I’m helping mine by doing that.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
            Probably Not pollinated. Do a bit of hand pollinating. I’m helping mine by doing that.
            Thanks SP - the fruits are actually developing but not getting any bigger than a 50p piece (hmmm similar shape too ��) Not having much luck this year with any of my cucurbits , have only had 1 cuke so far and as for my trombos ..... must be just one of those years - ho hum!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Angeldon View Post
              Thanks SP - the fruits are actually developing but not getting any bigger than a 50p piece (hmmm similar shape too ��) Not having much luck this year with any of my cucurbits , have only had 1 cuke so far and as for my trombos ..... must be just one of those years - ho hum!
              Yeah the fruit will always develop pollinated or not. You can see the baby fruit behind the female flowers before they have opened. If there’s a dead straight stem it’s going to be a boy flower.
              I’m with you on the unsuccessful cucurbit year.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                Yeah the fruit will always develop pollinated or not. You can see the baby fruit behind the female flowers before they have opened. If there’s a dead straight stem it’s going to be a boy flower.
                I’m with you on the unsuccessful cucurbit year.
                Aaah, I was assuming the little fruits were the result of pollination - don't
                you just love how the longer you garden the less you know? Thanks SP, I'll get my little brush out and start pollinating.


                • #9
                  Not Patti pan but my courgettes got overlooked on my birthday weekend. We had some rain so they broke away
                  I hope it hasn't stopped them in their tracks

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