Been a warmer summer I think, but as an indicator, last year I had to top up my water butts from the tap, this year they have not needed that, so we have plenty of rain as well. My potatoes are pretty good crop wise and little sign of any damage, same with the roots, beets and carrots have done really well. Best French beans in a long time and the seed onions and leeks are looking very good too. Down side has been my brassicas, I keep saying I won't bother next year, then I grow more again, but poor romanesc, broccoli and cabbages have made me realise my thin coastal sandy soil is just not conducive to growing them and there's little room in the raised beds. Peas were a bit of a let down too, I got a crop, but they weren't up to much taste wise either. Not tried my celery yet, that is getting into triffid proportions, really must lift one and see if it has either blanched or got any nice flavour.
No announcement yet.
This years results so far
Could have been worse then Burnie! Good luck with the celery
I've had really good onions this year, over-winter brassicas were good, the summer ones horrid here as well, cos of the heat - winter ones coming on ok. Another poor potato year, as I couldn't keep up with the watering.
Early peas were good, later ones poor, beans have been dire, very few runners settingThey were just beginning to get going after the heat, as the nights are turning colder. Typical...
First lot of sweetcorn was good, the second lot flowered before there were any silks to pollinate. No idea what happened there.
No carrots or parsnips to speak of either, germination was so poor, despite a few tries, but it looks like there's a bumper crop of squash ripening - I hope I haven't spoken too soon.....
So a very mixed year here, as well.
Wondering where I was when it was a warmer summerbut the difference going with the comments from burnie and Thelma shows the vageries of the weather, as in this area of the west of Scotland a number of days when it was warm was followed by cool nights, and a lot of rain, though I have had good results with my onions and garlic, cabbages did well but were left in the ground too long, the beetroot, carrots and tomatoes are good and the trombos though not as big as last year which I think is due to the cooler night temperatures the cucumber which is growing in the greenhouse is still producing and this must be the best crop I have had from cucumbers, courgettes have been poor though I have 5 small ones on a plant at the moment, peas have cropped well but have picked the wrong verity as they are not very tasty, lettuce has been OK and the celary is usable, have a good crop of apples and still plenty of rhubarb. What will I grow next year, salad veg., onions not garlic as OH doesent like it I will limit myself to 4 cabbage, beetroot and carrot and kohlrabi and pay more attention to keeping snails off it, though of course these plans could change
it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.
Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers
My beans of all kinds have done fairly well, but the runners that I grow for the beans rather than the pod started off poorly and never really got going. There are pods, but not many, and not big ones.
I had such high hopes for the squashes and pumpkins this year, but they really weren't happy, and even now I only have a few trombos, one or two squashes, no pumpkins, and one courgette. The plants are finally growing bigger, but it will be too late for a lot of them. The yellow patty pans have done best, but even then I've only had four fruits.
The potatoes have done better, but still in the ground as I've broken all my forks, and I haven't got around to getting a new one.
The kale and chard have been outstanding, and I pick loads every week, and I eat a bit of it every day.
Tomatoes have been prolific at home, just slow to ripen, but that's not unusual for my location of the greenhouse.
Wild strawberries and normal strawberries have done well.
Overall quite a disappointingly slow year.
My greenhouse is doing very well again, 5 types of tommies, just the "Breakfast" that are yet to ripen, they are going slowly, but they are later than the rest by over a week. Cukes have been too prolific and the sweetcorn is doing nicely. Not had a Butternut squash yet, nearly ready and we are still getting French strawberries. Chlillies have been the best ever, especially the Hungarian hot wax, ok last year, but this year they've been great, tasty and just enough heat.
Potatoes, toms, runners, chard, all lettuces, cucs and especially courgettes are doing great. I've had a few kale leaves its a bit early yet but I couldn't resist, parsnips look like they've got decent shoulders so they should be fine.
Failure was my Telephone peas the first few picking were fine after that Pea moth has made a messmy own fault its the first year I didn't net them. I won't make that mistake again.
Location....East Midlands.
Garlic and onions have been the best ever this year. Potatoes were good with minimal slug damage. The parsnips didn't want to germinate. The ones that eventually did look good. Carrots......what carrots! Waste of time and space (again). No plums or cherries but a good crop of pears (none last year). My strawberries nearly got dug up but suddenly rallied and I'm getting them every day now and the plants are looking healthy. Sweetcorn is good and the swedes look okay. I'm not sure about the brassicas...too early to tell. Lettuce, rocket and beetroot is good....eventually. My peas are the best ever, and the climbing French beans are okay. It has been a good year in the greenhouses. Lots of tomatoes (eventually), lots and lots of cucumbers, aubergines are good too. Lots of green peppers but not many turning red yet. Pimientos de P�dron were late but are now unstoppable. Melons are slowly producing. I thought I was going to lose my grape crop but they rallied and are amazing. It's also a great year for apples. All in all I'm happy.
A mixed bag, as is often the case. Runner beans fell over, PSB sprouted in July, peas failed completely.
However, the beetroot have been copious, french beans are giving us a generous portion daily, and my pumpkin harvest is already an outstanding personal best - it didn�t have much to beat (previous pb was 2 cricket ball sized pumpkins from 8 plants...), but I expect I will be needing more pumpkin recipes!Last edited by Chestnut; 01-09-2019, 08:57 PM.
Outdoor vine tomatoes have been rubbish, really slow to ripen, flavour has been a bit diluted due to the amount of rain and a fair few branches and stems were snapped by high winds. It'll be bush tomatoes only outdoors next year. Brokali didn't give us much of a harvest after the main head was cut off, the new growth was very spindly and went to seed very quickly. The climbing French beans were stripped of their leaves by the wind when young, the replacement sowing never climbed very much and seem to have stopped growing after giving us an OK crop. The late June sowing of carrots and beetroot struggled to get going due to the heat and a nearby tree sucking all the moisture out of the bed. Rhubarb did absolutely nothing after performing so well last year; it probably needs dividing.
Everything else has been pretty good. The greenhouse has been pumping out the toms, cucs and peppers. Even the outdoor cucumbers (Wautoma) have done well. The butternut squash have taken over the lawn and it looks like I'll get at least one (huuuuuge!) fruit to ripen.
It's been pretty good for me
brassica - better
courgette/squash - way better
tomatoes - about the same
carrots - worse
onions - looking OK
bean - as good as last year if not better
beetroot - better
peas - better
garlic - much better than last go at it (not last year)
sweetcorn - if it ripens, much better than last year
peppers - much worse, but due to bad greenhouse planning
potatoes - better than last year
So far i've had a bag of onions, tonnes of spuds, runner beans are coming along nicely, french beans haven't been so good, tomatoes in the new greenhouse have surpassed expectations. I planted way too many tomatoes in the greenhouse so had to remove a couple about 2 months ago as it was like a rainforest in there!
Sweetcorn needed more water and i wasn't around to give it any, brassica cage is looking pretty vibrant, soft fruit pretty good this year but very few raspberries, courgettes were slow to start but romping away now. zero carrots but i have just today planted three packets worth!!!
All in all, quite a good season.
Quite a good year for me.
Garlic, grown in half barrels did really well.
Best crop of potatoes in a long time, put this down to lots of watering.
Tomatoes in the greenhouse doing well but are later than usual.
Great salad leaves and herbs.
Rubbish carrots.
Rubbish corn
Cucumber got off to a late start but is still producing.
Great crop of gooseberries.
The little plum tree doing well with a good crop.
The big plum tree didnt produce a single fruit.
Raspberries and strawberries did well.
All in all I can't really complain.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Close to a waste of time.
All the turnips died/disappeared or something.
Swedes then did the same.
Celery and Leeks are at the right size to plant out, if only it were April/May and planting out time instead of September and harvesting time.
Parsnips are alive but pathetic, something pulled 2 up (what?) and they are just over an inch long and 1/8th inch at the top across. Very strong suspicision they are not going to come to anything in whatever time is left.
A cucumber (small variety) has produced a few and the tomatoes a few but again most are still at the green stage and seem to have a reluctance to turn red.
Cannot see or think of a reason for this years results but it matches much the same as last years results.
Will have to seriously debate if there is much reason in "wasting" another year. Since 60p at the supermarket gets me the cucumber and a 60p pack of small tomatoes exceeds the crop so far.
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