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New - Fresh & Dried Bean Varieties


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  • New - Fresh & Dried Bean Varieties

    Unfortunately the old thread is muddled and has lost its drool pics so here is a new thread.

    It is to list all of the beans you like to grow, eat fresh or dried with photos and any other info you'd like to share!

  • #2
    DFB - Red Swan

    An unusual heirloom which produces pinkish red straight round bean pods about 10-12cm long. Beans begin reddish purple in colour and and slowly become more bright pink as they mature. (or very pale in my case )

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    Last edited by Norfolkgrey; 29-09-2019, 02:06 PM.


    • #3
      DFB - Royalty

      A heritage variety. With round slightly curved purple pods, about 10cm long. And slighty lighty mottled pale lilac beans.

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      Last edited by Norfolkgrey; 29-09-2019, 02:08 PM.


      • #4
        DFB - Helios

        A yellow rounded podded variety.

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        Last edited by Norfolkgrey; 29-09-2019, 02:10 PM.


        • #5
          Dwarf Borlotti di vegavano nano

          Plant only grows to 6-12 inches tall which in itself can be an issue as I grow this for beans rather than pods and beans on soil don't dry as well as climbers, maybe would be better growing with a little bit of support to try to keep the pods dry, or alternatively grow the climbing variety. The pods are red flecks on green turning to white/cream, never eaten the pods so no idea on taste/stringiness.
          Beans are red/pink and white, great in chillis/stews.
          Click image for larger version

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          • #6
            DFB Canadian Wonder

            Another dwarf I grow for beans so I've not tried the green pods. Plant grows to about 12 inches and I don't support. Beans look similar to shop bought kidney beans, great in chillis/stews. Although a dwarf plant and pods sometimes lie on the ground the beans seem to fair better than borlotti in drying in that I haven't had any of the beans being mouldy or rotting when I've shelled.
            Click image for larger version

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            • #7
              Climbing French - Borlotto - Lingua Di Fuoco

              Very similar end product to the dwarf borlotti listed above but a climbing variety. I grow on 6-7 ft canes and it topples over the top so likely to grow to 8ft plus. I grow for beans and these are more purple and white as opposed to the red/pink and white of the dwarf but about the same size. Owing to the size of the plant it's more prolific than the dwarf variety but I find produces a little later, so my preference is for the climber, but if you have a shorter growing season or don't want an 8 ft monster then maybe the dwarf will suit better.
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              • #8
                Runner Bean - Enorma

                I'm not a big fan of runners normally as I find they go too stringy too early for my liking, probably not picking them small enough. I found these Enorma pods stringy too so grow them for the purple beans and I love them, like a big fat kidney bean.
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                • #9
                  Tresnjevec Climbing Bean

                  Lots of pods drying at the moment - these are one of my favourites. They are beautiful

                  Large round mottled grey pods with black stripes - these beans are mainly grown for podding. They look like a miniature bird egg.
                  They are short very wide fat pods. Surprising how big these beans are. Usually 6 or so beans to a pod

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                  This is them still on the plant. Unfortunately they have mostly dried out, I should have taken a photo a few weeks back...but you get the idea of mottling of pods and their size! Really fat and flat before the beans swell.

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                  Last edited by Scarlet; 29-09-2019, 02:33 PM.


                  • #10

                    I've spent a bit of time looking through some photos on my these aren't from this year. I'm also copying posts from the old thread - so mostly the same words as the descriptions don't change much.

                    Zebrina - wild horse bean. A french climbing bean with striped pods. I can't find much info, so if anyone has grown this please tell me more

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                    Last edited by Scarlet; 29-09-2019, 11:28 AM.


                    • #11
                      Weinlanderin CB

                      I'm growing these again this year. They are prolific! Much better than the Tresnjavec in the amount of pods that were set....but they are further away from the hedge that is full of birds. They really attacked my plants this year.
                      These aren't ready as dried beans yet. But the pods are super long!

                      Weinlanderin - Swiss heirloom pole bean. "Weinlanderin" translates as "maid of the wine country." Pale green stringless pods with lovely purple mottling or streaks. They sometimes have fully purple pods, not a sign of crossing but just its growth habit. They can grow to 7-9 inches long, but are best eaten slightly smaller at 5-6 inches. They have that indescribable European Mountain bean flavor. These are also a multi-purpose bean and can be served fresh or dried. Pale beige seed with black markings.

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                      Last edited by Scarlet; 29-09-2019, 03:59 PM.


                      • #12
                        I'll just read this one whilst sitting on my hands lol


                        • #13
                          CFB Cosse Violette

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                          Ooooh, too much eye candy already. Going to love this thread. Had a mishap with my stash of unusual bean seeds so back to the drawing board with these shop bought Cosse Violette which I find very pretty and prolific. I sowed these late (end of July) and they romped away up the teepee so glad to have given them a

                          The pods are pleasing - quite flat and straight and a really strong colour. Intending to eat the pods as no time this season to see what they�d be like dried.
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by muckdiva; 29-09-2019, 12:31 PM. Reason: Photo weirdness
                          All at once I hear your voice
                          And time just slips away
                          Bonnie Raitt


                          • #14
                            If you are using an IPhone that is what will happen. Crop them slightly ( edit /crop on iPhone/iPad)and then they will upload the correct way.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                              If you are using an IPhone that is what will happen. Crop them slightly ( edit /crop on iPhone/iPad)and then they will upload the correct way.
                              Brilliant, thank you
                              All at once I hear your voice
                              And time just slips away
                              Bonnie Raitt


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