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Early potato question.


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  • Early potato question.

    Why plant first early and second early - - could I not just stagger the planting?
    What is the advantage of planting second early varieties?

  • #2
    I grow swift for a first early which grow very fast and are a tasty new potato. I also grow Wiljas (second early). Although I can use them like a new potato, they form a good skin and store well for winter use. They are also a good all rounder, good for mash, chips and jackets.


    • #3
      Second earlies generally store better, so with the right variety you can have good salad potatoes into autumn. First earlies are more likely to rot or shrivel up.


      • #4
        It depends when you want to harvest your potatoes. The clue is in the name.

        If you planted all three types at the same time, then earlies would be mature in 10 - 13 weeks, 2nd earlies in 13 - 19 weeks, and main crop 19 - 23 weeks.

        So if you plan to start planting in say mid-March, the earliest you'd get main crop spuds will be mid August, but earlies will be ready by the beginning of July, giving you a longer season of fresh potatoes.

        You can't plant main crop successfully after the end of May as there are not enough growing days before the first frosts. (Unless you give them protection).
        Last edited by mothhawk; 23-11-2019, 12:43 PM.
        Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
        Endless wonder.


        • #5
          The clue is in my question:
          Why plant first early and second early - - could I not just stagger the planting?

          Apart from the maturation time, is there any reason not to stagger first earlies?


          • #6
            You can plant them whenever you like - one spud a week in a bucket if you want to (its been done)


            They'll take the number of weeks to mature as MH says. Its your choice when to plant.
            Last edited by veggiechicken; 23-11-2019, 05:52 PM. Reason: Finding Successional tatties thread.


            • #7
              I stagger the planting of first earlies to have them available over a longer time but I still plant second earlies because they store longer,storing longer & unblemished,the health & longevity of the second early is a good reason for growing second earlies,the clue was in a lot of the answers,storage & potatoes that last longer in store.
              Location : Essex


              • #8
                Thank you JJ - that answers my question.
                Another one now - if second earlies are lifted at the "new potato" stage, do they also have the sort of skin that you can rub/scrub off?


                • #9
                  Ive never tried lifting second earlies quickly like that,that�s what my first earlies are for but I never want the peeling off skins when washed so I cut all the leaves down & leave them to sit for a week or two (& longer) the skins harden so they don�t come off when washed. If you like the skins peeling off,lift them quite soon after chopping the leaves off or while the plants still growing so the potato skin doesn�t have time to toughen up. First earlies do seem to peel more,might be to do with the length of time they�re in & me lifting them straight away.
                  Location : Essex


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