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Seed sowing thread 2020


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  • Sowed tomato seeds “the amateur”- it’s a heritage variety that is supposed to do well outdoors.


    • Definitely time to sow, Sycamore seedlings are sprouting in the lawn (despite "repurposing" all the Sycamores to firewood!). Spring has sprung and off we go (2m apart of course)....


      • Today I sowed in the greenhouse celery, chillis, 2 kinds of tomatoes (gardeners delight and a yellow one) giant exhibition onions and some heritage leeks (American flag?)
        On the allotment I planted 6 kinds of potato and sowed seed of parsnips (2018 saved seed), beetroot (boltardy) and spinach (violin)


        • Last of the "March" sowing-
          oregano, thyme sp. and large leaf, more Parsley both flat and curly, Basils sweet green, genovese and Greek. Some Phacelia.

          Off to sort out the April box...
          The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


          • Spinach (medania) - 3ish per module, one tray, first time growing spinach - quite excited.

            3 beetroot seeds (boltardy) per module, one tray. More trays to follow later, probably one per month?

            2 types of courgette, only 2 of each because I always end up with loads. One round / globe type courgette to try to get the kids to eat them without me hiding them in the food...

            Some flowers (can't eat them, so bit boring)


            • Today
              Re sown sweet pepper Palermo
              Re sown Tomato buffalo horn
              As I had the tomato seeds out, I’ve also sown ( I can’t help myself!).
              Peace vine
              Atkins stuffing tomato
              True black brandywine.


              • Today with help from small humphs sowed in greenhouse for earlier crops 2 types of pea, lollo rosso, a mixed cut and come again lettuce, carrots and mixed radish. Outside planted broad bean seeds.
                Another happy Nutter...


                • To add to yesterday’s sowing list.
                  cucumber Carosello Medio Lungo Pugliese

                  Couldn’t add it yesterday. I had to google the variety as I couldn’t read the hand writing on the label.
                  only just remembered to do it.


                  • 84 toilet paper rolls with two parsnip seeds each. 50% Gladiator, 50% White Gem.
                    Location:- Rugby, Warwckshire on Limy clay (within sight of the Cement factory)


                    • We were also using up loo roll tubes for seed sowing - 26 of them with peas “terrain” from the all in seed circle.


                      • Yesterday sowed at allotment the last of last years parsnip seeds. Have made a note to harvest first (assuming germination) A row of leeks for transplanting. My home grown onion seedlings, all 8 of them.
                        In raised bed at home rest of pea packet Eddy
                        In cold frame spinach Medania, leek Musselburgh and cabbage Monclano
                        In porch tomato GDelight and red cherry tom, celeriac Monarch and lettuce Valmaine


                        • Originally posted by Sweet savory View Post
                          Yesterday sowed at allotment the last of last years parsnip seeds.
                          Parsnip have very short lifespan and should be discarded after one season. They take a long time to germinate and will be very erratic. If it was me, I'd sow some fresh close to the row you have sown.


                          • Sowed all my tomato seeds yesterday. My leeks and onions have germinated and are growing nicely.

                            Parsnips next sometime in the next week.


                            • Leek, cabbage, cauli,peas and nasturtiums that I found unopened packet in a pot in the stayput!
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                              • Oh and some onion sets that have been waiting patiently for months. Put them into modules to see what happens
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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