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Grow 20 Different Veg from seed in 2020


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  • #31
    Newbie here, my list is as follows:-

    Potatoes - 7 varieties
    Carrots - 2 varieties
    Onion - 4 varieties
    Spring Onions - 4 varieties
    Parsnip - 2 varieties
    Leek - 2 varieties
    Runner beans
    Peas / Mangetout / Sugar Snap
    Broad Bean
    Pak Choi
    Purple Sprouting Broccoli
    Cabbage - summer & winter

    I planted a few bits last year but our vegetable plot has now been cleared so I am going all out. A bit of a learning curve and I'm fully expecting some failures (parsnips I'm looking at you again) but am excited to get going soon


    • #32
      Sown so far are:

      Herbs: lemon grass Parsley Lisette, Coriander confetti, red basil.
      Chilli and sweet pepper; Padron and Sivri Biber. Cayenne, lemon drop and Fresno; Cayenetta
      Sprouting Broc.
      Chard, perp. spinach.
      Cape gooseberry; golden berry
      Aubergine; Jewel mixed, Hansel, Gretel
      celeriac; asterix & monarch
      Beans; Broad bean sutton
      Tomatoes; Red Robin
      Green leaf stuff Kale/Rocket/ sorrell/ Mizuna / mustard/ collard greens
      Spring onion
      Celery red giant
      Summer squash /winter squash
      Edible flowers; candula

      Planning some greens and some carrots for sowing next weekend if I don't get blown away, hope everyone on the vine are still intact
      The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


      • #33
        Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
        Mine will be :-

        1. peas - "JessyW dwarf sugar snap
        2. beans - Wizard, broad, Czar runner, Abundance Climbing French
        3. Leeks - Bleu de solaise
        4. Onions - spring
        5. Cucumber
        6. Courgette/Squash - Verde di Italia courgette
        7. beetroot - Sanguina
        8. Carrot - D'eysines large half-long
        9. Parsnip
        10. Radish - summer & winter
        11. Lettuce - Morton's Secret Mix
        12. Oriental leaves - pak choi, mizuna, tatsoi etc
        13. Turnip - Petrowski
        14. Tomato - Stupice
        15. Sweet pepper
        16. Aubergine
        17. Chard/spinach - "Leaf beet"
        18. Cabbage - white & red
        19.. Kale - Sutherland
        20. Cauli
        I've just become the proud owner of the Real Seeds "Feed the Family Collection" - 14 packets of seeds plus a couple of others that I fancy trying, so I'm challenging myself to grow each of the seeds in the collection:-
        Sanguina beetroot
        Petrowski turnip
        Wizard field bean
        Sutherland kale
        Leaf Beet chard
        D' Eyesines fat carrot
        Bleu de Solaise leek
        Mortons Secret Mixed lettuce
        Jessy dwarf sugar snap pea
        Joan swede
        Czar runner bean
        Stupice tomato
        Verde di Italia courgette
        Abundance french bean

        If I do it right I can save seeds from them too


        • #34
          I'll never make 20 as I'm cutting down and concentrating on getting the garden in shape.
          Not got anything sown except toms and chillies yet though but I'll list what I hope to grow and add varieties later. I may make 10 at a push.

          1. Tomatoes - Latah, Garden Pearl
          2. Chillies - Tri colour V, Royal Black,
          3. Cucumber -
          4. Radish -
          5. Lettuce -
          6. Courgette -
          7. Beetroot
          8. Giant garlic - planted Oct.
          9. Herbs -
          10. Edible flowers -
          11. Beans
          12. Spring Onions
          13. Carrots - will only be in a bucket
          14. Chard -

          Actually I'm really amazed that I got to 14. I hate not doing parsnips but sometimes needs must


          • #35
            Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
            I've just become the proud owner of the Real Seeds "Feed the Family Collection" - 14 packets of seeds plus a couple of others that I fancy trying, so I'm challenging myself to grow each of the seeds in the collection:-
            Sanguina beetroot
            Petrowski turnip
            Wizard field bean
            Sutherland kale
            Leaf Beet chard
            D' Eyesines fat carrot
            Bleu de Solaise leek
            Mortons Secret Mixed lettuce
            Jessy dwarf sugar snap pea
            Joan swede
            Czar runner bean
            Stupice tomato
            Verde di Italia courgette
            Abundance french bean

            If I do it right I can save seeds from them too
            I�ve grown the petrowski turnips. They taste like turnips
            And I grow the Mortons secret mixed lettuce. Fantastic, love it. It�s one of the few things I�m growing this year


            • #36
              1. Broad, Runner, French and Butter Bean.
              2. Potato (1st and 2nd earlies and maincrop)
              3. Asparagus
              4. Beetroot
              5. Kalettes
              6. Various Herbs
              7. Turnip
              8. Garlic
              9. Turmeric
              10. Ginger
              11. Squashes
              12. Cucumber
              13. Sweet Chilli
              14. Cabbage
              15. Sprouts
              16. Kohlrabi
              17. Courgette
              18. Leeks
              19. Onions
              20. Aubergine


              • #37
                Sown so far are:

                Herbs: lemon grass, Parsley Lisette, Coriander confetti, red basil.
                Radish Long white icicle, Candela de fuego, watermelon
                Chilli and sweet pepper; Padron and Sivri Biber. Cayenne, lemon drop and Fresno; Cayenetta
                Carrots Amsterdam forcing
                Cape gooseberry; golden berry
                Aubergine; Jewel mixed, Hansel, Gretel
                celeriac; asterix & monarch
                Beans; Broad bean sutton
                Tomatoes; Red Robin
                Spring onion
                Celery red giant
                Summer squash /winter squash
                Green leaf brassica stuff: Kale/Rocket/ sorrell/ Mizuna / mustard/ collard greens/ PSB/ chard Bright lights/ spinach/
                Edible flowers; candula

                I am not sure that a single leaf of parsley on my omelette counts as a "harvest" yet ,but you can bet that a single courgette all year will!
                The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


                • #38
                  1. Peas
                  2. Broad beans
                  3. Baby corn
                  4. Spring onions
                  5. Caulis/Romanesco
                  6. Courgettes/Squash
                  7. PSB
                  8. Carrots
                  9. Mange tout
                  10. Radish/Mooli
                  11. Lettuce
                  12. Oriental leaves
                  13. Salsify
                  14. Tomatoes
                  15. Radicchio
                  16. Wasabi rocket, red mustard etc
                  17. Chard
                  18. Red cabbage
                  19. Sutherland Kale
                  20. Kohl rabi

                  Brussels sprouts if we have room, but maybe not, since I've just ordered a vast number of seed potatoes

                  I've only sown toms, spring onions and salsify so far and have already run out of windowsill/dining table space (too many pots of sweet peas, apple seedlings and honeysuckle/rose cuttings ) so may have to wait a while for the rest. Maybe till the outside temperature rises above zero...
                  The problem with rounded personalities is they don't tesselate.


                  • #39
                    Here's my list of veg from seed.

                    1 Tomatoes (3 varieties)
                    2 Cucumber, Telegraph Improved
                    3 Sweet peppers, Romero type from saved seed, corno toro rosso, california wonder.
                    4 chilli, jalapeno
                    5 kale, Nero di Toscana
                    6 parsnips, Javelin F1
                    7 chard, Bright Lights
                    8 Pumpkin/squash, Crown Prince
                    9 spring onions, Ishikura
                    10 courgettes, Golden Zucchini, Midnight F1
                    11 carrots, Early Nantes, St Valery
                    12 beans, Broad, Runner (3 varieties) Climbing French, Dwarf French
                    13 peas, Douce Provence, Green Beauty
                    14 herbs, Tarragon, Parsley, Dill
                    15 potatoes, (4 varieties)
                    16 Broccoli, Green Magic, Purple Sprouting,
                    17 Lettuce, Iceberg type, Little gem
                    18 Cabbages (3 varieties)
                    19 Cauliflower
                    20 Aubergines
                    21 Leeks, Lyon Prizetaker, Northern Lights
                    22 Beetroot, Moneta
                    23 Sweetcorn, Goldcrest F1
                    24 Florence Fennel, Sirio
                    25 Spinach, Fiorano F1

                    Not sure if the spuds count as "seed" though.


                    • #40
                      I crumbled and started soaking some peas (Nairobi and Oregon Sugar Pod) and broad beans (Crimson Flowered, Karmazyn, Red Epicure, and The Sutton) this morning.
                      Hubby said "Where are you going to put them?"
                      (Well, the dog doesn't use his basket... )
                      The problem with rounded personalities is they don't tesselate.


                      • #41
                        Sown so far are:
                        1. Herbs: lemon grass, Parsley Lisette, Coriander confetti, red basil, sage
                        2. Radish Long white icicle, Candela de fuego, watermelon
                        3. Chilli and sweet pepper; Padron and Sivri Biber. Cayenne, lemon drop and Fresno; Cayenetta Sweet:- Friggitello, corno di toro rosso, etudia, patio red
                        4. Carrots Amsterdam forcing
                        5. Cape gooseberry; golden berry
                        6. Aubergine; Jewel mixed, Hansel, Gretel
                        7. celeriac; asterix & monarch
                        8. Beans; Broad bean sutton
                        9. Peas
                        10. Tomatoes; Red Robin
                        11. Lettuces
                        12. Beetroots
                        13. Spring onion
                        14. Celery red giant
                        15. Parsnip
                        16. Cucumbers
                        17. Courgette
                        18. Summer squash /winter squash
                        19. Turnip
                        20. leeks
                        21. Green leaf brassica stuff: Kale/Rocket/ sorrell/ Mizuna / mustard/ collard greens/ PSB/ Chard Bright lights/ spinach/
                        22. Edible flowers; candula

                        Well that is 50% sown... and I have some happy little germinating seeds. I hope that the temperature picks up by the middle of march as I will be needing the decant a lot out to the Glass house and blow away to make room for more on the windowsill
                        The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


                        • #42
                          I was just so patient. I waited all the way til March to sow anything. March 1 and 2. I am sure this salubrious weather will be very conducive to germination and growth...

                          1. Broccoli
                          2. Squash/pumpkin
                          3. Peas: Mangetout, petit pois, specialty peas
                          4. Salad leaves ---> some rocket sown
                          5. Chilli ---> all out of seeds, so to be replaced with Radicchio
                          6. Sweet pepper ---> Californian wonder and Traffic light sown
                          7. Beans: dwarf and climbing French beans, runner beans
                          8. Courgette
                          9. Tomato ---> Roma, Marmande, Gardeners' Delight, Blush, Yellow Pear, Violet Jasper, and Black Cherry sown
                          10. Leeks ---> Lyon 2 sown
                          11. Cabbage
                          12. Carrot ---> Autumn King 2 sown
                          13. Spring onion/onion ---> White Lisbon sown, a cheap � store variety sprouting til it can be planted out
                          14. Beetroot ---> Boltardy sown
                          15. Kale
                          16. Sweetcorn
                          17. Aubergine ---> plenty of seed unearthed and sown
                          18. Potatoes (do these count from seed potatoes?) ---> chitting upstairs
                          19. Garlic (does this count from saved bulbs?) ---> potted up until we have time to plant them out, all sprouting away
                          20. Herbs: basil, coriander, chives, oregano ---> basil, parsley and chives sown


                          • #43
                            Beans french, broad
                            sweet pepper
                            butternut squash
                            which is about 20.
                            I might do some seed sprouts as well as I bought a packet of fenugreek seeds to grind but it is too hard.


                            • #44
                              My list is up to 19 now !

                              Onions now on my list due to a lack of will power when shopping yesterday
                              You have to buy onion sets if you see them


                              • #45
                                The updated list...Sown so far are:
                                1. Herbs: lemon grass, Parsley Lisette, Coriander confetti, red basil, sage, curley parsley, greek basil, sweet genovese basil, borage and chamomile bodegold
                                2. Radish Long white icicle, Candela de fuego, watermelon
                                3. Chilli and sweet pepper; Padron and Sivri Biber. Cayenne, lemon drop and Fresno; Cayenetta Sweet:- Friggitello, corno di toro rosso, etudia, patio red
                                4. Carrots Amsterdam forcing, nantes early2, cosmic purple
                                5. Cape gooseberry; golden berry
                                6. Aubergine; Jewel mixed, Hansel, Gretel
                                7. celeriac; asterix & monarch
                                8. Beans; Broad bean sutton, crimson flowered
                                9. Peas douce P,
                                10. Tomatoes; Red Robin
                                11. Lettuces speedy mix, crispy leaf mix
                                12. Beetroots action
                                13. Spring onion
                                14. Celery red giant
                                15. Parsnip
                                16. Cucumbers
                                17. Courgette
                                18. Summer squash /winter squash
                                19. Turnip
                                20. leeks Autumn Giant
                                21. Green leaf brassica stuff: Kale/Rocket/ sorrell/ Mizuna / mustard/ collard greens/ PSB/ Chard Bright lights/ spinach/ Broccoli Raab
                                22. Edible flowers; candula

                                The garlic and onions went in from sets last Oct/Nov... and soon the seed potatoes are going in. It is time to start the potting on for the earlier crops, so that is my task for the next couple of days
                                The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


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