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Grow 20 Different Veg from seed in 2020


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  • #46
    Finally got around to sowing the February seeds today ;-)

    Beans broad and runner. 11 broad beans - a free sample packet!
    Sunflower (for seeds)
    Carrot, parsnip, celeriac and celery
    Cabbage. greyhound
    Spring onions
    Broccoli. Raab
    Kohl rabi
    Oriental veg
    Pumpkin .
    Lettuce/salad leaves. spinach
    Cress on windowsill
    Coriander, dill, parsley, basil, chives
    Cauliflower. [COLOR="#0000CD"]AYR[/

    Added a few more to the list, which I had forgotten
    Red onions


    • #47
      Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
      Mine will be :-

      1. peas
      2. beans - broad, runner, French
      3. Leeks
      4. Onions - spring
      5. Cucumber -Beth Alpha sown
      6. Courgette/Squash Partenon sown
      7. beetroot
      8. Carrot
      9. Parsnip
      10. Radish - summer & winter
      11. Lettuce
      12. Oriental leaves - pak choi, mizuna, tatsoi etc
      13. Turnip
      14. Tomato - lots of early toms
      15. Sweet pepper
      16. Aubergine - Mixed sown
      17. Chard/spinach
      18. Cabbage - white & red. Red cabbage sown
      19.. Kale - Various sown
      20. Cauli
      Sown seeds in red


      • #48
        3)Sweet Peppers
        6) Microgreens

        To sow
        7) Cucumber
        8) Peas
        9) Beans
        10) Salad
        11) Cauliflower
        13) Sweetcorn
        14) Courgette

        Rest to follow
        Last edited by chillithyme; 08-03-2020, 01:53 AM.


        • #49
          To date sown in red

          1. Beans Broad bean Aquadulce
          2. Carrots
          3. Beetroot Boltardy
          4. Celeriac Asterix
          5. Cabbage Golden Acre, Red Drumhead
          6. Kale
          7. Parsnips
          8. Peas Kelvedon Wonder
          9. Chard
          10. Sweetcorn
          11. Spinach Matador, Medina
          12. Lettuce Marvel of 4 Seasons, Lobjoits, Red Oakleaf, Lollo Rossa, Little Gem
          13. Rocket Astra
          14. Aubergines Moneymaker
          15. Peppers & chillies Palermo, Jalapeno, Hot Wax, Friggitello
          16. Courgettes
          17. Squash
          18. Cucumbers
          19. Tomatoes
          20. Leeks
          21. Radish Scarlet Globe
          22. Land cress American
          23. Herbs Coriander, Plain leaf Parsley, Thyme
          24. Fennel (bulb) Romanesco
          25. Chicory Rossa Di Treviso, Palla Rossa
          26. Onions Golden Bear, Red Brunswick, White Lisbon
          Location ... Nottingham


          • #50

            2.Beetroot - Boltardy
            3. Broad beans, French , Runners - BB Self saved
            4.Brussels sprouts
            5. Broccoli Calabrese
            6. broccoli purple sprouting
            7. cabbage summer,spring, savoy - Greyhound, Delight Ball
            9 Cauliflower
            10 Chilli & pepper - Loco, Cayenne, Serrano
            11 Courgettes
            12 Coriander/ Rocket/ Spicy leaves - Rocket, Mixed spicy Leaves
            13 Cucumber (outdoor)
            14 kale
            15 kohlrabi - Delicacy White
            16 Leeks
            17 Lettuce - Paris
            18 Onion and spring onion - Bedfordshire Champion, Red Brunswick, White Lisbon
            19 Parsnip
            20 peas
            21 Potato - Swift
            22 Shallots
            23 Spinach Beet
            24 Squash
            25 Swede
            27 tomato - Red Alert


            • #51
              2 varieties of Basil
              1 variety of Runner bean
              1 variety of Pea now dropped, growing carrots instead
              2 varieties of asparagus 1 variety sown, other will be first harvest this year
              1 Variety of spinach sown
              1 variety of Kale sown
              1 variety of Cabbage sown
              1 variety of Broccoli sown
              1 variety of Brussel sprout sown
              1 variety of Courgette
              1 variety of Pumpkin
              1 squash scallop mix
              2 varieties of tomato
              17 varieties of chilli ( this will definitely be going up)lost track of number of varieties, not as many as normal. But it�s 69 plants
              1 variety of Sweet pepper
              1 variety of Cucumber
              Mix varieties of Lettuce some sown


              • #52
                I grow everything from seed, I can’t afford to buy plugs etc. I haven’t included potatoes, garlic, shallots and sweet potatoes as they’re not grown from seed as such, anyway, here’s this year’s list, hope I haven’t forgotten anything.
                1 toms
                2 aubergine
                3 chillis
                4 sweet peppers
                5 cucumber
                6 courgette
                7 squash
                8 rootstock for grafting toms and aubergine
                9 brussels
                10 cauliflower
                11 cabbage
                12 calabrese
                13 psb
                14 kale
                15 kalettes
                16 peas
                17 mange tout or are they just more peas?
                18 french bean dwarf and climbing
                19 broad beans
                20 runner bean
                21 carrots
                22 parsnips
                23 beetroot
                24 celeriac
                25 leeks
                26 Swiss chard
                27 kohl rabi
                28 swede
                29 lettuce
                30 spring onion
                31 sweet corn
                32 celery
                33 turnip
                Then there’s the herbs and flowers but that’s another list or two. It’s going to be another busy year
                Last edited by Gordon the gardener; 13-03-2020, 07:19 PM.
                I may be hungry but I sure ain�t weird


                • #53
                  The updated list...Sown so far are:
                  1. Herbs: lemon grass, Parsley Lisette, Coriander confetti, red basil, sage, curly parsley, greek basil, sweet genovese basil, borage and chamomile bodegold
                  2. Radish Long white icicle, Candela de fuego, watermelon
                  3. Chilli and sweet pepper; Padron and Sivri Biber. Cayenne, lemon drop and Fresno; Cayenetta Sweet:- Friggitello, corno di toro rosso, etudia, patio red
                  4. Carrots Amsterdam forcing, nantes early2, cosmic purple
                  5. Cape gooseberry; golden berry
                  6. Aubergine; Jewel mixed, Hansel, Gretel
                  7. celeriac; asterix & monarch
                  8. Beans; Broad bean sutton, crimson flowered
                  9. Peas douce P,
                  10. Tomatoes; Red Robin, sweet aperitif, gold krone, dancing with smurfs, Evergreen, Costoluto Firento, Pink Brandywine, Roughwood golden plum, Summer cider, Pantano, Jersey devil, Super Mama4 <---Added this lot!
                  11. Lettuces speedy mix, crispy leaf mix
                  12. Beetroots action
                  13. Spring onion welsh onion
                  14. Celery red giant
                  15. Parsnip
                  16. Cucumbers
                  17. Courgette/marrow
                  18. Summer squash /winter squash
                  19. Turnip
                  20. leeks Autumn Giant
                  21. Green leaf brassica stuff: Kale/Rocket/ sorrell/ Mizuna / mustard/ collard greens/ PSB/ Chard Bright lights/ spinach/ Broccoli Raab
                  22. Edible flowers; candula, bread seed poppy

                  I must admit I am feeling rather proud of myself reviewing this. Most things are coming on well except the cape gooseberry is refusing to germinate. And the favourites are yet to be sown, squash and courgettes. (I can almost taste them )
                  Last edited by Vegi potager; 15-03-2020, 03:25 PM. Reason: the tomatoes are in the HP!
                  The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


                  • #54
                    And I keep forgetting, I�ve added onions! So that�s 18..... ish....... I think
                    Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                    2 varieties of Basil now herbs in general, some sown
                    1 variety of Runner bean
                    1 variety of Pea now dropped, growing carrots instead
                    2 varieties of asparagus 1 variety sown, other will be first harvest this year
                    1 Variety of spinach sown
                    1 variety of Kale sown now germinating
                    1 variety of Cabbage sown now germinating
                    1 variety of Broccoli sown now germinating
                    1 variety of Brussel sprout sown now germinating
                    1 variety of Courgette
                    1 variety of Pumpkin
                    1 squash scallop mix
                    2 varieties of tomato now sown
                    17 varieties of chilli ( this will definitely be going up)lost track of number of varieties, not as many as normal. But it�s 69 plants ( it�s 26 varieties)
                    1 variety of Sweet pepper now 2 varieties & sown
                    1 variety of Cucumber
                    Mix varieties of Lettuce some sown now germinating


                    • #55
                      updated (to 13) - added leeks, Shallots (although I've read that Zebreune may be classed as onions but I'm claiming anyway), Cauli, more toms.


                      2.Beetroot - Boltardy
                      3. Broad beans, French , Runners - BB Self saved
                      4.Brussels sprouts
                      5. Broccoli Calabrese
                      6. broccoli purple sprouting
                      7. cabbage summer,spring, savoy - Greyhound, Delight Ball
                      9 Cauliflower - Candid Charm
                      10 Chilli & pepper - Loco, Cayenne, Serrano
                      11 Courgettes
                      12 Coriander/ Rocket/ Spicy leaves - Rocket, Mixed spicy Leaves
                      13 Cucumber (outdoor)
                      14 kale
                      15 kohlrabi - Delicacy White
                      16 Leeks - Jolant, Winner
                      17 Lettuce - Paris
                      18 Onion and spring onion - Bedfordshire Champion, Red Brunswick, White Lisbon
                      19 Parsnip
                      20 peas
                      21 Potato - Swift
                      22 Shallots - Zebreune
                      23 Spinach Beet
                      24 Squash
                      25 Swede
                      27 tomato - Red Alert, Sniega Pika, Dr Carolyn, German Lunchbox


                      • #56
                        Mine will be :-

                        1. peas - Fairbeard's Non Pareil
                        2. beans - broad, runner, French
                        3. Leeks - Bleu de Solaise
                        4. Onions - spring
                        5. Cucumber -Beth Alpha sown
                        6. Courgette/Squash Partenon sown
                        7. beetroot
                        8. Carrot
                        9. Parsnip
                        10. Radish - summer & winter
                        11. Lettuce - various
                        12. Oriental leaves - pak choi, mizuna, tatsoi etc
                        13. Turnip
                        14. Tomato - lots of early toms
                        15. Sweet pepper
                        16. Aubergine - Mixed sown
                        17. Chard/spinach
                        18. Cabbage - white & red. Red cabbage sown
                        19.. Kale - Various sown
                        20. Cauli


                        • #57
                          My progress so far (Penellype):
                          1 beans - french & runner
                          2 beetroot - growing in hotbed
                          3 broccoli/calabrese/brokali
                          4 cabbage (spring)
                          5 carrots - growing in hotbed
                          6 cauliflower/romanesco - caulis planted out at allotment
                          7 courgette
                          8 cucumber
                          9 florence fennel
                          10 kale
                          11 kohlrabi/turnips/swede
                          12 leeks
                          13 lettuce - growing in hotbed and under lights
                          14 melons
                          15 oriental leaves
                          16 parsnips
                          17 peas - early peas all sown, some planted out
                          18 peppers - sown but no germination yet
                          19 spinach - growing in hotbed
                          20 tomatoes - growing under lights


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by jonahjonah View Post

                            1. Broccoli
                            2. Squash/pumpkin
                            3. Peas: Mangetout, petit pois, specialty peas
                            4. Salad leaves ---> some rocket sown
                            5. Chilli ---> all out of seeds, so to be replaced with sign yet.
                            6. Sweet pepper ---> Californian wonder and Traffic light sign yet. I haven't particularly coddled them, though, so what can I expect?
                            7. Beans: dwarf and climbing French beans, runner beans
                            8. Courgette
                            9. Tomato ---> Roma, Marmande, Gardeners' Delight, Blush, Yellow Pear, Violet Jasper, and Black Cherry sown...all but Blush have multiple seeds germinated. Accidentally acquired Moneymaker in my new seed multipack...
                            10. Leeks ---> Lyon 2 sown...working on about 20 sprouted at the moment.
                            11. Cabbage
                            12. Carrot ---> Autumn King 2 sign yet.
                            13. Spring onion/onion ---> White Lisbon sown, a cheap � store variety sprouting til it can be planted sign yet.
                            14. Beetroot ---> Boltardy sown...clever bunny that I am, I had been glancing down to see if any green shoots were appearing...nope, but some beet-colored shoots have...
                            15. Kale
                            16. Sweetcorn
                            17. Aubergine ---> plenty of seed unearthed and sign yet. Should probably think about treating them nicer.
                            18. Potatoes (do these count from seed potatoes?) ---> chitting upstairs
                            19. Garlic (does this count from saved bulbs?) ---> potted up until we have time to plant them out, all sprouting away...all out on the plot now.
                            20. Herbs: basil, coriander, chives, oregano ---> basil, parsley and chives sown...basil and maybe chives trying to peek through. I swear I used to have parsley coming out my ears and now it doesn't want to sprout this year or last.
                            21. Radish
                            22. Lettuce
                            23. Cucumber
                            Oops...I accidentally bought some seeds at my favorite discount supermarket while doing a weekly, panic-free shop. Now I have to add lettuce, radish, and cucumber to my list. More sowing on the cards for the next couple of days.


                            • #59
                              The updated list...Sown so far are:
                              1. Herbs: lemon grass, Parsley Lisette, Coriander confetti, red basil, sage, curly parsley, greek basil, sweet genovese basil, thyme sp. and large leaf, oregano, borage and chamomile bodegold
                              2. Radish Long white icicle, Candela de fuego, watermelon
                              3. Chilli and sweet pepper; Padron and Sivri Biber. Cayenne, lemon drop and Fresno; Cayenetta Sweet:- Friggitello, corno di toro rosso, etudia, patio red
                              4. Carrots Amsterdam forcing, nantes early2, cosmic purple
                              5. Cape gooseberry; golden berry
                              6. Aubergine; Jewel mixed, Hansel, Gretel
                              7. celeriac; asterix & monarch
                              8. Beans; Broad bean sutton, crimson flowered
                              9. Peas douce P,
                              10. Tomatoes; Red Robin, sweet aperitif, gold krone, dancing with smurfs, Evergreen, Costoluto Firento, Pink Brandywine, Roughwood golden plum, Summer cider, Pantano, Jersey devil, Super Mama4
                              11. Lettuces speedy mix, crispy leaf mix
                              12. Beetroots action
                              13. Spring onion welsh onion
                              14. Celery red giant
                              15. Parsnip
                              16. Cucumbers
                              17. Courgette/marrow
                              18. Summer squash /winter squash
                              19. Turnip
                              20. leeks Autumn Giant
                              21. Green leaf brassica stuff: Kale/Rocket/ sorrell/ Mizuna / mustard/ collard greens/ PSB/ Chard Bright lights/ spinach/ Broccoli Raab
                              22. Edible flowers; candula, bread seed poppy

                              A few more herbs to the collection... and half the toms have germinated
                              The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


                              • #60
                                2 varieties of Basil + other herbs - sown
                                1 variety of Runner bean
                                1 variety of Pea now dropped, growing carrots instead
                                2 varieties of asparagus 1 variety sown, other will be first harvest this year
                                2 Varieties of spinach - sown
                                4 varieties of Kale - sown
                                2 varieties of Cabbage - sown
                                1 variety of Broccoli - sown
                                1 variety of Brussel sprout - sown
                                4 varieties Courgette - sown
                                1 variety of Pumpkin
                                1 squash scallop mix
                                4 varieties of tomato - sown
                                17 varieties of chilli ( this will definitely be going up)lost track of number of varieties, not as many as normal. But it�s 69 plants
                                2varieties of Sweet pepper - sown
                                2varieties of Cucumber - sown
                                Mix varieties of Lettuce some sown
                                2 varieties of cauliflower - sown
                                9 varieties of radish - sown
                                3 varieties of beetroot - sown
                                2 varieties of turnip - sown
                                Swede - sown
                                Leeks - sown
                                Today�s update in red

                                So much for not growing much this year


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