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Grow 20 Different Veg from seed in 2020


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  • #61
    1. Tomato - too many to list
    2. Sweet pepper - asti gold, white bell, choc beauty, palivec, milas red
    3. Chilli Pepper - lemon drop, ohnivec, hot black hungarian
    4. Kale - Scarlet, VC Tall Perrennial and Daubenton
    5. Leek - charentan 2, plantologist strain, giant bulgarian
    6. onion - ailsa craig, exhibition, red summin
    7. Brussels - Fillbasket, early half tall
    8. Cabbage -
    9. Broccoli - early purple sprouting


    • #62
      1) Asparagus - already in the ground and this is the first year I can properly crop.
      2) Globe Artichoke - already in the ground plus a cutting in the greenhouse.
      3) Onions - 3 kinds - all planted out
      4) Garlic - in the ground
      5) Broad beans - assorted saved seed in the ground at allotment and some karmazyn at home.
      6) Peas - purple mange-tout at the allotment, �terrain� in greenhouse.
      7) Runner beans and French beans - not yet, it�s too early
      8) Oca - they are starting to sprout. Potting up is on my to do list.
      9) Chard - in the ground and growing well
      10) Bulb Fennel - in the ground. Growing to harvestable size, so exciting 😀
      11) Maize and sweetcorn - it�s too early
      12) Winter squash - includes acorn squash, marina di chioggia and any others I find between now and summer.
      13) Cucumbers
      14) Tomatoes - 6 kinds - two varieties sown thus far
      15) Kale - in the ground
      16) Cabbage - red, savoy and pointed.
      17) Cauliflower - these failed 😩
      18) Purple sprouting broccoli
      19) Celeriac - in the ground but I will sow more
      20) Beetroot - sown seeds last week, fingers crossed


      • #63
        1. Broccoli
        2. Squash/pumpkin
        3. Peas: Mangetout, petit pois, specialty peas
        4. Salad leaves ---> ticket happily growing
        5. Radicchio --> no sign yet.
        6. Sweet pepper ---> Californian wonder and Traffic light sign yet. Not looking good
        7. Beans: dwarf and climbing French beans, runner beans
        8. Courgette
        9. Tomato ---> Roma, Marmande, Gardeners' Delight, Blush, Yellow Pear, Violet Jasper, and Black Cherry sown... Blush germinated but seedlings look puny. May sow more with Moneymaker.
        10. Leeks ---> Lyon 2 happily growing
        11. Cabbage
        12. Carrot ---> Autumn King 2 sign yet.
        13. Spring onion/onion ---> White Lisbon sown in greenhouse and direct on the plot today. The sets are planted on the plot
        14. Beetroot ---> Boltardy happily growing
        15. Kale
        16. Sweetcorn
        17. Aubergine ---> I didn't treat them any better but they decided to sprout. At least one did
        18. Potatoes (do these count from seed potatoes?) ---> summer Charlotte in
        19. Garlic (does this count from saved bulbs?) ---> looking fine on the plot
        20. Herbs: basil, coriander, chives, oregano ---> basil, parsley and chives sown... Only basil growing. Must try again
        21. Radish ---> down direct on plot amongst parsnip seeds
        22. Lettuce
        23. Cucumber
        24. Another addition. Plot neighbor gifted her remaining parsnip seeds ---> sown direct on plot
        Last edited by jonahjonah; 27-03-2020, 11:18 PM.


        • #64
          1. peas - sown some for pea shoots only
          2. beans - broad, runner, French, brown (Swedish)
          3. Leeks
          4. Onions - spring
          5. Cucumber
          6. Courgette/Squash
          7. beetroot
          8. Carrot
          9. Parsnip
          10. Radish - summer & winter
          11. Lettuce
          12. Oriental leaves - pak choi, mizuna, tatsoi etc
          13. Turnip
          14. Tomato - all 22 varieties have been sown
          15. Sweet pepper
          16. Tromboncino
          17. Chard/spinach
          18. Cabbage - white & red
          19. Kale
          20. Fennel
          21. Sweetcorn
          22. Swede
          23. Celeriac
          24. Chillies - red and orange/yellow


          • #65
            1 onions and shallots
            2 potatoes
            3 cabbage
            4 Chinese greens
            5 spinach beet and Chard
            6 lettuce (many)
            7 cucumber
            8 tomatoes
            9 Fennel
            10 Radish
            11 courgettes, squash and pumpkin
            12 carrots
            13 peas
            14 Beans
            15 Sprouts
            16 Purple Sprouting
            17 Kohl Rabi
            18 tomatillo and cape gooseberry
            19 beetroot
            20 Parsnips
            .....hey, I need more numbers, still at least half a dozen more to go !
            All at once I hear your voice
            And time just slips away
            Bonnie Raitt


            • #66
              1. peas - sown some for pea shoots only
              2. beans - broad, runner, French, brown (Swedish)
              3. Leeks
              4. Onions - spring
              5. Cucumber
              6. Courgette/Squash
              7. beetroot
              8. Carrot
              9. Parsnip
              10. Radish - summer & winter
              11. Lettuce
              12. Oriental leaves - pak choi, mizuna, tatsoi etc
              13. Turnip
              14. Tomato - all 22 varieties have been sown
              15. Sweet pepper - all done
              16. Tromboncino
              17. Chard/spinach
              18. Cabbage - white & red
              19. Kale
              20. Fennel
              21. Sweetcorn - one variety sown, two to go
              22. Swede
              23. Celeriac
              24. Chillies - red and orange/yellow
              25. Aubergine - two varieties done
              26. Water melon - done
              Last edited by SarrissUK; 29-03-2020, 08:23 PM. Reason: Added more!


              • #67
                1. peas - Fairbeard's NonPareil, Bijou mangetout
                2. beans - broad, runner, French - DFB - Goldukkat, Primel
                3. Leeks - Bleu de Solaise
                4. Onions - spring
                5. Cucumber -Beth Alpha sown
                6. Courgette/Squash Partenon sown
                7. beetroot
                8. Carrot
                9. Parsnip
                10. Radish - summer & winter
                11. Lettuce
                12. Oriental leaves - pak choi, mizuna, tatsoi etc
                13. Turnip
                14. Tomato - lots of early toms
                15. Sweet pepper
                16. Aubergine - Mixed sown
                17. Chard/spinach
                18. Cabbage - white & red. Red cabbage sown
                19.. Kale - Various sown
                20. Cauli

                Seeds in Bold sown.


                • #68
                  1. Tomato - too many to list
                  2. Sweet pepper - asti gold, white bell, choc beauty, , milas red
                  3. Chilli Pepper - lemon drop, ohnivec, hot black hungarian palivec
                  4. Kale - Scarlet, VC Tall Perrennial and Daubenton
                  5. Leek - charentan 2, plantologist strain, giant bulgarian
                  6. onion - ailsa craig, exhibition, red summin
                  7. Brussels - Fillbasket, early half tall
                  8. Cabbage - kalibos, couve tronchuda
                  9. Broccoli - early purple sprouting

                  10. Sweetcorn - True Gold
                  11. Popping Corn - Dakota Black
                  12. Melon - Minnesota Midget, Petit Gris de Rennes
                  3. Watermelon - Red Seeded Citron
                  14. Cucamelon
                  15. Serpent Melon/ Alficoz
                  16. Courgette - Black Beauty, Golden Zucchini, Lungo Bianco, Trieste Bianco

                  17. Broad bean - Dreadnought and bunyards whatever
                  18. Peas -
                  19. Mangetout - winterkefe, shiraz and golden sweet
                  20. French bean - cfb district nurse
                  21. Asparagus
                  Last edited by Norfolkgrey; 09-04-2020, 01:11 PM.


                  • #69
                    1 tomato - potted on
                    2 chilli - seedlings
                    3. Sweet pepper - seedlings
                    4 carrots - growing
                    5 onion - spring onions growing, onion seeds not germinated yet, sets will go in once warmer
                    6 leek - seedlings potted on (modular)
                    7 cucumber - just sown
                    8 cabbage - just sown
                    9 aubergine- just sown
                    10 Cauliflower - just sown
                    11 Swiss chard - just sown
                    12 peas
                    13 beans
                    14. Parsnip
                    15. Radish - Seedling
                    16 beetroot - just sown
                    17 lettuce/ salad leaves - eating micro leaves others at seedling stage
                    18. Oriental greens
                    19. Brussel sprouts - just sown
                    20. Sweetcorn
                    21 kale
                    Last edited by elsie-scot; 02-04-2020, 06:54 PM.


                    • #70
                      So far:
                      Chilli - Hawk's Claw
                      Spring onions
                      Broad beans
                      Seville orange well, why not, SWMBO made marmalade and there were loads of pips
                      Sweet pepper (only one germinated so far)
                      Aubergine (no germination yet)

                      I guess we're not counting onions, shallots and garlic from sets / cloves or spuds.

                      The seed box is still bursting at the seams so I we're go for 20....
                      Last edited by Chippy Minton; 04-04-2020, 12:46 PM. Reason: Forgot leeks!


                      • #71
                        More sown today!

                        1. peas - sown some for pea shoots only
                        2. beans - broad, runner, French, brown (Swedish)
                        3. Leeks - done
                        4. Onions - spring - done
                        5. Cucumber - two varieties done (lemon and white wonder)
                        6. Courgette/Squash
                        7. beetroot - two varities sown (chioggia and boltardy)
                        8. Carrot - two varieties sown (one small version, one standard)
                        9. Parsnip - done
                        10. Radish - summer & winter - done (mooli and normal)
                        11. Lettuce
                        12. Oriental leaves - pak choi, mizuna, tatsoi etc
                        13. Turnip
                        14. Tomato - all 22 varieties have been sown
                        15. Sweet pepper - all done
                        16. Tromboncino
                        17. Chard/spinach - all chard done
                        18. Cabbage - white & red
                        19. Kale - four varities sown, still need to sow curly kale
                        20. Fennel
                        21. Sweetcorn - one variety sown, two to go
                        22. Swede - done
                        23. Celeriac - done
                        24. Chillies - red and orange/yellow
                        25. Aubergine - two varieties done
                        26. Water melon - done


                        • #72
                          The list...Sown so far are:
                          1. Herbs: lemon grass, flat leaf Parsley Lisette and laura, Coriander confetti and calypso, red basil, sage, curly parsley, Parsley Arat, thai and greek basil, sweet genovese basil, thyme sp. and large leaf, oregano, borage and chamomile bodegold, dill sp. and Nano, Chinese and garlic chives, Chervil,
                          2. Radish Long white icicle, Candela de fuego, watermelon
                          3. Chilli and sweet pepper; Padron and Sivri Biber. Cayenne, lemon drop and Fresno; Cayenetta Sweet:- Friggitello, corno di toro rosso, etudia, patio red
                          4. Carrots Amsterdam forcing, nantes early2, cosmic purple, chanteny supreme3
                          5. Cape gooseberry; golden berry
                          6. Aubergine; Jewel mixed, Hansel, Gretel
                          7. celeriac; asterix & monarch
                          8. Beans; Broad bean sutton, crimson flowered French Beans cobra, district nurse, Canadian wonder, cupidon Runners Gigantes
                          9. Peas douce P, calibra
                          10. Tomatoes; Red Robin, sweet aperitif, gold krone, dancing with smurfs, Evergreen, Costoluto Firento, Pink Brandywine, Roughwood golden plum, Summer cider, Pantano, Jersey devil, Super Mama4
                          11. Lettuces speedy mix, crispy leaf mix, manzur
                          12. Beetroots action, Crapaudine
                          13. Spring onion welsh onion
                          14. Celery red giant
                          15. Parsnip
                          16. Cucumbers Dimant, beth alpha and burbless tasty green
                          17. Courgette/marrow Zuchinni green
                          18. Summer squash /winter squash Trombos, pumpkins volskaya grey and hooligan, pattipans sunburst and patisson, autumn crown
                          19. TurnipSnowball
                          20. leeks Autumn Giant
                          21. Green leaf brassica stuff: Kale Red Russian and dwarf curly green/Rocket wild / sorrell red veined/ Mizuna / mustard gold streak/ collard greens dwarf type/ PSB/ Chard Bright lights, forhook giant/ spinach medania/ Broccoli Raab perpetual spinach
                          22. Edible flowers; candula, bread seed poppy, several types of sun flower, nastursium

                          BOLD are harvested... see later posts!
                          Last edited by Vegi potager; 21-04-2020, 10:10 AM. Reason: Beans added
                          The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


                          • #73
                            1. Broccoli - calabrese and PSB sown
                            2. Squash/pumpkin
                            3. Peas: Mangetout, petit pois, specialty peas - chitting in the utility room
                            4. Salad leaves ---> Very Nice Partner and I chomped some rocket leaves directly from the plant today. Satisfying.
                            5. Radicchio --> a couple have germinated. More sown.
                            6. Sweet pepper ---> Californian wonder and Traffic light sign yet. Not looking good. No change in status.
                            7. Beans: dwarf and climbing French beans, runner beans - several chitting in the utility room
                            8. Courgette
                            9. Tomato ---> Roma, Marmande, Gardeners' Delight, Blush, Yellow Pear, Violet Jasper, Black Cherry, and Moneymaker all germinated and most a few inches high... old Blush seeds not looking up to much. One remaining seedling with stunted leaves and no new germination.
                            10. Leeks ---> Lyon 2 happily growing and more sown. We have about 20-odd right now.
                            11. Cabbage
                            12. Carrot ---> Autumn King 2 finally germinated. I tried to grow them last year without success, so I'm very excited.
                            13. Spring onion/onion ---> White Lisbon spring onions finally popping up. Sets on the plot look good.
                            14. Beetroot ---> Boltardy happily growing, needs planting out.
                            15. Kale - sown
                            16. Sweetcorn
                            17. Aubergine ---> Three little seedlings, not growing much, but looking strangely content.
                            18. Potatoes ---> Charlotte in, Maris Piper still waiting for a home.
                            19. Garlic ---> looking fine on the plot
                            20. Herbs: basil, coriander, chives, oregano ---> basil, parsley and chives sown... Only basil growing. Must try again. No change, sadly.
                            21. Radish ---> none showing yet.
                            22. Lettuce - iceberg sown. Other packets currently misplaced...
                            23. Cucumber - will sow this week
                            24. Parsnips ---> sown direct on plot, no sign

                            This looks surprisingly promising for me at the moment.

                            Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                            I'm looking forward to seeing your photos, everyone! Its not the sowing of seeds but the growing of them to maturity that is needed.

                            Yes, I'm hard!!
                            Shall I upload a photo of my chomped rocket? Or can I be taken at my word?
                            Last edited by jonahjonah; 08-04-2020, 09:29 PM.


                            • #74
                              Need proof............


                              • #75
                                I�m starting again because my contribution to this thread has been confusing with add on after add on

                                1. Chillies & sweet peppers 28 varieties76 plants
                                2. Cabbage 4 varieties
                                3. Kale 4 varieties
                                4. Brussels sprouts 3 varieties
                                5. Salad & lettuce 12 varieties (so far)
                                6. Spinach & Swiss chard 4 varieties
                                7. Broccoli 2 varieties
                                8. Carrots 7 varieties
                                9. Herbs 3 varieties
                                10. Tomato 2 varieties 4 plants (should be more, germination issues)
                                11. Runner bean, french beans, dwarf french beans 4 varieties
                                12. Courgette 4 varieties 17 plants (so far)
                                13. Cucumbers 2 varieties 5 plants
                                14. Onions, spring onions, leeks 5 varieties
                                15. Turnip, swede 3 varieties
                                16. Peas & pea shoots 2 varieties
                                17. Cauliflower 2 varieties
                                18. Beetroot 3 varieties
                                19. Squash & pumpkin 2 varieties
                                20. Potato 3 varieties ( if I�m aloud seed spuds )
                                21. Edible flowers 3 varieties

                                That�s it no more



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