Hello all,
I have a question about my chilli seedlings. I started the majority of them off in soil blocks this year, which were admittedly too big in hindsight (4x4cm), and put an extra one in a spare module which was much smaller.
This module started chilli has absolutely dominated the others in terms of size, and the others seem to have started a stub of a first true leaf and now stopped. They're also a much paler colour. They were sown on the same day, and have exactly the same temp and grow light conditions.
The soil block ones actually started their true leaves first originally, so we took a bit of soil off the bottom of the blocks to put around the stem (we thought essentially like repotting them), but didn't really come across roots. Wondering if perhaps they're in a bit of root shock though, as the module one has been left alone.
Or is it simply that the smaller ones will take some time to catch up as they're working on their root system instead? I sowed them in the third week of Jan, so they're about a month in now. Wondering whether to just re-sow in small modules instead!
I have a photo, but not sure how to attach.
Any help greatly appreciated
I have a question about my chilli seedlings. I started the majority of them off in soil blocks this year, which were admittedly too big in hindsight (4x4cm), and put an extra one in a spare module which was much smaller.
This module started chilli has absolutely dominated the others in terms of size, and the others seem to have started a stub of a first true leaf and now stopped. They're also a much paler colour. They were sown on the same day, and have exactly the same temp and grow light conditions.
The soil block ones actually started their true leaves first originally, so we took a bit of soil off the bottom of the blocks to put around the stem (we thought essentially like repotting them), but didn't really come across roots. Wondering if perhaps they're in a bit of root shock though, as the module one has been left alone.
Or is it simply that the smaller ones will take some time to catch up as they're working on their root system instead? I sowed them in the third week of Jan, so they're about a month in now. Wondering whether to just re-sow in small modules instead!
I have a photo, but not sure how to attach.
Any help greatly appreciated